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About Me

i know this for sure: life is too short to stay mad. love brings light to many dark situations. faith is most important, because it allows love, forgiveness, and, ultimately, joy.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jason Russell , Bobby Bailey , Laren Poole , MLK Jr. , Mother Teresa , Archbishop Desmond Tutu

My Blog

nickles piss me off...

A random title for a random subject. Here it is. My best friend is moving in with me. Actually, it should be past tense, she already moved. She is living in the same room as me. CRAZY! I hope we don't...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 13:21:00 GMT

Women At The Well

I am a woman of no distinction, of little importance. I am a woman of no reputation say that which is bad. You whisper as I pass by and cast judgmental glances, though you don't really take the time t...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 21:13:00 GMT

Invisible Children

Have you ever watched something that impacted you so much that you even dreamed about it. It almost haunts you in a way. Two years ago I watched this documentary and to this day many of the pictu...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 15:44:00 GMT