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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born in Rockford, IL...where believe it or not some great ones have come from! I'm a "PK"...(for those of you that don't know what that is) I'm a "preacher's kid"'s a pastor! The baby girl in a big family. My sisters are the greatest ever! My mom is an unbelievably selfless, loving and wonderful woman of God...truly if you ask anyone they would agree! and My dad is a wonderful father! So in a nutshell, my family means the world to me. I am who I am and where I am today because of their unconditional support and faith in me!
.... I am a professional dancer... Moved to LA to pursue a career (like so many others) is a huge part of my life and it's a blessing to be able to have this passion and follow my aspirations.
Many go through life without ever pursuing their dreams!..."some people are content to settle for less than what life has to offer..." So I say... "LOVE...LIVE....and (do whatever it is that you do!)"
God Bless

BET AWARDS 07' Dancing for Beyonce
BET AWARDS 07' Dancing for Kelly Rowland

My Interests

Celebrity Rap Superstar..Thank you Rosero:)

R. Kelly "Slow Wind"...(In the back...2nd from the right:)

"My Lebrogrative" ESPY Awards 07. It was hilarious! Thank you Kennis:)

Dancing in Brick and Lace "Never Never" video!
Thank You Tanisha:)

POSERS Show (Dancers posing as artist)..choreographed by Phlex...
Posers - Ciara
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I'd like to meet:




"CUZ I DO HOLD IT DOWN FOR MY GIRRRLZAH!"(Inside joke)... Love ya'll!
.. - Get Your Own

.. - Get Your Own

Tricia's choreo/class...(I have on the black hoodie:)






I am borderline addicted to Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Sex in the City is one of my favs! and I love TLC specials(i.e. A Baby Story, A Wedding Story (hey I cant help it:-), and Medical Mysteries)!


The Bible


My Mom! She's my angel! My Dad! A loving father and A True Provider! My sisters...! They each bring something different to my life!

I love u sister!
- Get Your Own

My Blog

"Christians" - By Maya Angelou

When I say... "I am a Christian"  I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'." I'm whispering "I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven."When I say... "I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I...
Posted by Shannon on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:51:00 PST