Member Since: 7/21/2006
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Band Members: The Aum Orchestra, Tajalli, Suzanne Doucet, Gary Miraz, Paradiso, Grundman, Gnomusy, Eduardo Laguillo, Joaquin Taboada, Omar Akram, Liquid Mind, Steve Roach, Michael Hoppe, Golana, Paradiso, Karunesh, Michael Stearns, Kevin Braheny, Pater Kater, Suzanne Ciani, Tangerine Dream, Peter Michael Hamel, Maya & Sage, Constance Demby, Patrick O'Hearn, Christopher Franke, Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Enya, Clannad, Dead Can Dance, Enigma, Chuck Plaisance, Paul Horn, George Winston, Don Harris, Paul Adams, Marshall Styler, Margie Balter, Jeffrey Fisher a.m.o
Influences: New Age Music officially started in 1964 with the album release of MUSIC FOR ZEN MEDITATION by Tony Scott. Many recordings of other artists followed including Paul Horn's classic "INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID", Peter Michael Hamel and his group Between, Tangerine Dream, Georg Deuter, Eberhard Schoener, Kitaro, Paul Winter, Steven Halpern, Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis, etc. -
The musical influences came from all directions, i.e. Jazz, Classical, Folk, Traditional indigenous music, Native American, East Indian, Pop, Soft rock, electronic, avant garde, experimental, improvisational, ambient and minimalistic. many influences also came from research in Music Therapy and from experiments with psychedelic drugs. The influence of many spiritual traditions were a common thread in all truly inspired new age recordings.
In a broad sense and if vocals were included from the beginning of the genre the musical HAIR and GODSPELL also belong to here, as much as George Harrison's MY SWEET LORD, John Lennon's IMAGINE or Donovan's ATLANTIS. But initially the genre was exclusively instrumental until the mid '80s when Enya and other artists included more than vocalizes on their albums. Later in the '90s many artists created a new wave of CHANTS and today new age vocals are a substantial part of New Age Music including Sntam Kaur, Krishna Das, Deva Premal, Jai Uttal,Mary-Kathryn, Eduardo Laguillo and Maya & Sage.
Movie soundtracks composed by New Age inspired Vangelis, Phillip Glass and Heinrich Zimmer brought another dimension to this diverse genre.
The ambient and space music direction which started with artists such as Brian and Roger Eno, Harold Budd, Steve Roach, Kevin Braheny, Michael Stearns and Constance Demby expanded tremendously over the past 2 decades and became a wide arena for many new creative recordings, such as the brilliant ambient series of Liquid Mind. Also the growing Classical and World Music influence (Michael Hoppé, Tim Wheater, Richard Burmer, Mickey Heart) made new age music probably the most diverse genre available today.
You have Yanni, George Winston, Lorenna Mackennit and Carlos Nakai, Andreas Vollenweider, Brian Eno, Golana, Grundman, or David Arkenstone, Suzanne Ciani, Anugama, Shastro, Tajalli, Oamr Akram or Karunesh all in the same bin.
But New Age Music existed at all times. Pythagoras in Greece tought HARMONICS an essential basis for all healing and therapeutic music. In all cultures we can find "sacred Music", spiritual chants, ritualistic and healing music. Since the dawn of time humanity has recognized "music as a bridge" to other realities and dimensions. Music is a bridge between Heaven and Earth and when created consciously as such it is Music for a New Age of Awakening and expanded consciousness. That is what the term points to.
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