All kinds - I'm a very open minded diverse person. After reflecting on that thought - I think I can have fun about anywhere I go if I'm hanging with the right people - Even at a wrestling match. I'm comfortable in my own skin and not looking to get uptight over stupid stuff.
I'm not looking to meet anyone on here or to find a "Hook-up" I'm making friends, trying out my writing - please give input on the blogs and looking to build awarness to the plight of the American Military Veteran. Don't just say "Thank you" and think it's enough,"Put-up or Shut-up". Your words are validated only through your deeds.
Yellow Ribbon Greetings-Patriotic & Military greeting cards-2006
Christmas Collection now available!
I can find at least one song in every genre that I like - to find more than that in some, rap, alternative, metal, might be more of a challenge. Ultimately I'm tuned into top 40 and classic rock from Elvis to U2 and love the Big Band sounds,Glen Miller is a fav.
My movie collection would make about anyone happy - Gone with the Wind, Platoon, GodFather, Jurassic Park, Apocolypse Now, The Deerhunter, Bambi, Hope Floats, The King & I, Mary Poppins.... Name your poison I have over 750 VHS & DVDs (mostly DVDs now days.)
Don't watch too much TV - Why pay for cable when you can buy DVD's? But I love the shows like CSI (Las Vegas is the best) Law & Order, Cold Case etc etc... JAG and The Unit (even if it is over acted) Then the classics like Happy Days, Laverne & Shirly, Mork & Mindy, Gilligan's Island etc
Just finished "A Long Way Gone" it is a must read about a boy soldier in Sierra Leone, AMAZING! over 300,000 young boys fighting in the nearly 50 world wide violent conflcts. On the tamer side of things History, religon - almost the same thing some times. cooking, home improvement... and I guess I need to start reading my daughter's surfing books - I tried it for the first time this summer - WHAAA HOOOO!
My Great Grandmother, Helen Keller, Sir William Wallace, General Vo Nguyen Giap, Thomas Jefferson, Temple Grandin, Gabriel and Glorianna Castro