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Lady USMC - Once a Marine, Always a Marine Spread the word - Being Homeless is no way to say Thank Y

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Would you Thank him?
Create your own at MyNiceSpace.comThe U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) says homeless veterans are mostly males (2 % are females). The vast majority are single, most come from poor, disadvantaged communities, 45% suffer from mental illness, and half have substance abuse problems. America’s homeless veterans have served in World War II, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), Operation Iraqi Freedom, or the military’s anti-drug cultivation efforts in South America. Forty-seven percent of homeless veterans served during the Vietnam Era. More than 67% served our country for at least three years and 33% were stationed in a war zone.
Create your own at MyNiceSpace.comAlthough accurate numbers are impossible to come by ... no one keeps national records on homeless veterans ... the VA estimates that nearly 200,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. And more than half a million experience homelessness over the course of a year. Conservatively, one out of every three homeless males who is sleeping in a doorway, alley, or box in our cities and rural communities has put on a uniform and served our country ... now they need America to remember them.
Create your own at MyNiceSpace.comIn addition to the complex set of factors affecting all homelessness … extreme shortage of affordable housing, livable income, and access to health care … a large number of displaced and at-risk veterans live with lingering effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and substance abuse, compounded by a lack of family and social support networks. A top priority is secure, safe, clean housing that offers a supportive environment which is free of drugs and alcohol.
Create your own at I am a Marine - once upon a time SNCO's told me Once a Marine always a Marine and that I would miss the Corps when I left. I scoffed - I was a lady first and foremost and a Marine second and when I got out I would not miss it and that I was a Marine only for the duration that I wore the uniform. I've always been a bit rebellious - the corps was never that hard, I actually enjoyed it but I was even more determined to love it when family tried to talk me out of doing it and told me it was too hard and I should do something easier and more female friendly like the Army or the Air Force. I got out in 1991, I've looked back many times and wished I'd stuck it out I'd be retiring next spring - but then I like who I am today and the experiences I've had since I got out have made me that person. But now I have to admit the SNCO's were right. Except that I'm still a lady first. I'm putting it out there how I feel about the plight of our service members and the veterans that served before them and get a small handful of people to think. I have to admit - the post 911 patriotism has me a little bugged. We either love our vets and our country or we don't. From my perspective and in my opinion - America is just a little fickel on this one. So I guess I can dedicate my blog to my commrades - as one vet said to me - ultimately when we were tramping through the jungle and the rice paddies the only thing we were there for was each other.

My Interests

All kinds - I'm a very open minded diverse person. After reflecting on that thought - I think I can have fun about anywhere I go if I'm hanging with the right people - Even at a wrestling match. I'm comfortable in my own skin and not looking to get uptight over stupid stuff.

I'd like to meet:

I'm not looking to meet anyone on here or to find a "Hook-up" I'm making friends, trying out my writing - please give input on the blogs and looking to build awarness to the plight of the American Military Veteran. Don't just say "Thank you" and think it's enough,"Put-up or Shut-up". Your words are validated only through your deeds. Yellow Ribbon Greetings-Patriotic & Military greeting cards-2006 Christmas Collection now available!


I can find at least one song in every genre that I like - to find more than that in some, rap, alternative, metal, might be more of a challenge. Ultimately I'm tuned into top 40 and classic rock from Elvis to U2 and love the Big Band sounds,Glen Miller is a fav.


My movie collection would make about anyone happy - Gone with the Wind, Platoon, GodFather, Jurassic Park, Apocolypse Now, The Deerhunter, Bambi, Hope Floats, The King & I, Mary Poppins.... Name your poison I have over 750 VHS & DVDs (mostly DVDs now days.)


Don't watch too much TV - Why pay for cable when you can buy DVD's? But I love the shows like CSI (Las Vegas is the best) Law & Order, Cold Case etc etc... JAG and The Unit (even if it is over acted) Then the classics like Happy Days, Laverne & Shirly, Mork & Mindy, Gilligan's Island etc


Just finished "A Long Way Gone" it is a must read about a boy soldier in Sierra Leone, AMAZING! over 300,000 young boys fighting in the nearly 50 world wide violent conflcts. On the tamer side of things History, religon - almost the same thing some times. cooking, home improvement... and I guess I need to start reading my daughter's surfing books - I tried it for the first time this summer - WHAAA HOOOO!


My Great Grandmother, Helen Keller, Sir William Wallace, General Vo Nguyen Giap, Thomas Jefferson, Temple Grandin, Gabriel and Glorianna Castro

My Blog

What its like to be in the military.

I've been tasked to write a story about what it's like to be in the military as it would appeal to the average college age person.  It's been a while since I was college age and what it's like is...
Posted by Alana on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 10:05:00 PST

Thanking a Vet - something to think about

If you really mean it when you say thank you for your service prove it.  I am not an angry vet that thinks I didn't get a fair shake or that I am or was entitled to more.  I did my job, I en...
Posted by Alana on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 04:20:00 PST