About Me
the namesz katrinaaa &+ thats what i wanna be called. younq buht not younq minded * blowinn out candles on september 29thh. friends &+ family mean everythinq to meh. im sinqle_but you can chanqe that ;] junior at SWMHS. i stand short at 5'1 buht that dont meann anythinqq, cusz baby im (fun sized] lol. shoes, clothes, ($$$] && boysz make my worldd qo rounddd ! ii dont qive a finqea in the middle bout how youu feel; let that be known riqhh noww. yeaa i couldd be the biqqest bitch you mett but i could also be the sweetest qirl you'll ever know * anythinq else messaqe me or hit the aim _ iim amaszinq x