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About Me

...meaning is always something that people make. It is as if the best anyone can do is to give us an outline sketch, and it is then up to us in what way, and to what extent, we flesh it out and colour it in. ( Guy Claxon) significato è sempre qualcosa che le persone attribuiscono. Il meglio che uno può fare è affidarci un contorno abbozzato, e sta a noi decidere in che modo, e in quale proporzione, renderlo vita e colorarlo. ( Guy Claxon)The main trust of the work is for dancers to find their own essence, their own identity and integrity and take that into movement. ( Barbara Mahler)Il principale lavoro per i danzatori è quello di trovare la propria essenza, la propria identità ed integrità e trasferirla nel movimento. ( Barbara Mahler)...what can I say to describe myself in few words... Since I was a child, my big passion has always been dance and I worked hard to translate my big dream of becoming a professional dancer in reality. It's been a magical, enriching and very special journey which give me the chance to travel around Europe, to live in different nice towns (London, Geneve, Vevey), to keep developing myself as artist and person, to meet special people and friends all around the world, to perform beautiful choreographies in so many different stages with different audiences, to express all my feelings through the language of my body, to work with great artists who keep giving me such strong inspiration, to be touched with the intensity of all the emotions given to me by my art, by the power of a lovely image, by the deepness of an inspiring book, by the incredible empathy with the music, by people around me...everything so special always part of me.ARTISTIC CV FOR DETAILED VERSION CHECK ON THE BLOGShe studied for 8 years at ACADEMY OF DANCE DOMENICHINO from Piacenza directed by Giuseppina Campolonghi, Michela Arcelli and Elisabetta Rossi. In 2002 at National Competitions Talents of third Millennium she won the 1st absolute Price as well as 1st Price as Solist Seniors Dancer and Mention of Best Interpretation.In 2003 through audition she won a scholarship to attend for three years full time LONDON CONTEMPORARY DANCE SCHOOL, The Place, directed by Veronia Lewis. She studied technical, choreographical, theoretical, educational and contextual subjects. In 2006 she obtained a 1st Class BA Hons Degree in Contemporary Dance convalidated by University of Kent at Canterbury.During her time at London Contemporary Dance School she undertook residencies with Merce Cunningham, Triscia Brown, Siobhan Davies, Richard Alston Dance Company and workshop between other with Ricard Alston, Henri Oguike, Hofesch Schechter, Maresa Von Stockert, Susan Klein, Jasmin Vardimon, Isabel Mortimer, Luca Silvestrin.She performed at Robin Howard Dance Theatre and Open Space at The Place works by Jan De Schynkel (ex dancers from Rambert, Nederland Dance Theatre, choreographer for Scottish Dance Theatre), Richard Alston, Henri Oguike, Kerry Nicholls, Tom Roden, Fleur Darkin, Luca Silvestrin. She was chosen as part of LC3, 3rd year touring company of London Contemporary Dance School, to perform her own choreography and work by Kerry Nicholls in venues around London.Between her highlight of her Professional Experiences in December 2001 she performed as solist La Pastorale in The Nutcracker by Charles Judes with Ballet de l'Opera de Bordeaux at Theatre Municipale of Piacenza.In February 2004 she was chosen by LCDS to dance with MICHAIL BARISHNIKOV in the solo Mr XYZ by Elliot Field in one week of performances of "Solos with Piano or not" at Barbican Theatre in London.In season 2006/2007 she danced with BALLET JUNIOR GENEVE under direction of Patrice Delay and Sean Wood. She performed work by Thierry Malandain (Ballet Biarritz), Stjin Celis (ex director of Bern Ballet, choreographer for Cullberg Ballet etc). She performed in new creations by Patrick Delcroix (ex dancer and choreographer from Nederland Danse Thethre), Ken Ossola (ex dancer from NDT), Jozsef Trefeli (ex dancer from Alias).In 2007 she danced with major role in latest production of COMPAGNIE NOMADES, Vevey, directed by Serge Campardon and Florence Faure (ex dancers from Bejart Ballet)premiered in Theatre of Vevey and toured around Switzerland.From June 2008 and for all the season 2008/2009 she is groupdancer with solo with BALLETTANZCOMPANY OF THEATER PLAUEN-ZWICKAU in Germany under the direction of Bronislav Roznos.As CHOREOGRAPHER she created and performed her solo "Stolen Memories" premiered at Robin Howard Dance Theatre London in December 2004 and chosen as part of Graduation Performance in July 2005 alongside work by Triscia Brown and Hofesch Schechter.In June 2005 she created and performed with Stephanos Bizas the duet "Shifting Tension".In December 2005 she created "Asphyxia" a group piece for four female Dancer premiered at Robin Howard Dance Theatre and then chosen as part of touring program of LC3 in different venues in London.In June 2007 she created "In Between" for six dancers of Ballet Junior Geneve premiered at Theatre Cite Bleu, Geneve.As teacher after studying specific subjets on teaching methods and techniques (Dance and Education, Communications, Teaching and Rehearsal Skills, Music for Class, Anatomy, Human Biology etc) she did some creative workshop in Torriano Junior School and Parliament Hill School in London and between 2004 and 2006 she took occasionaly stage and workshop of Contemporary Dance at Academy of Dance Domenichino from Piacenza.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to stay in touch with my friends spread all over the world and to meet new ones with the same interests, the same love for each form of art.There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated throuhg you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is or how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. ( A. De Mille)C'è una vitalità, una forza esistenziale, un'energia che è tradotta in azione attraverso te stesso, e perchè esiste un solo te stesso in tutti i tempi, questa espressione è unica. E se tu la blocchi, non esisterà mai attraverso altri mezzi e andrà persa. Il mondo non l'avrà. Non è affar tuo giudicare quanto buona sia o quanto sia di valore nè paragonarla alle espressioni degli altri. E' tuo compito conservarla in modo chiaro e diretto per te stesso, mantenere il canale aperto. ( A. De Mille)

My Blog


...quell'insensata fottuta paura che è parte dell'essere umano e che spesso non si ha la forza di affrontare e sconfiggere...è la paura di lasciarsi sconvolgere da un qualcosa di inspiegabilmente irra...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 03:03:00 GMT

Liberamente io...testo scritto per coreografia di Michela Arcelli

...semplice pezzo di legno o di metallo; simbolo universale di chi per breve o lungo tempo ha percorso il cammino comune della danza; uguale in tutte le aule del mondo ed in ogni scorrere del tempo; s...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:50:00 GMT

Artistic CV

DANCE EDUCATION_________________________________________________ .... 2003-2006 London Contemporary Dance School  Scholarship........                          1st Class Ba Hons Contemporary Dance Deg...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 04:31:00 GMT


Non sto parlando di parole qualsiasi o insignificanti, ma di quelle parole intense e profonde capaci di toccare l'anima, quelle esatte parole che vorresti sentirti dire in un preciso momento e che spe...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:19:00 GMT


Pochi mesi nella vita di una persona sono solo una brevissima tappa di un ben più lungo percorso, sono una fragile parentesi posta tra un passato carico di ricordi ed un futuro pieno di aspettati...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:17:00 GMT

In Volo

"In volo" per me è molto di più di una semplice coreografia: è un turbinio di emozioni e sensazioni inesprimibili in altro modo, è una scatola in cui tengo racchiusi i sentimenti e le persone più impo...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:09:00 GMT

Cortometraggio di una Passione...testo per coreografia di Michela Arcelli

Il cammino di una ballerina è lungo e faticoso&Dio solo sa quanto.La strada scelta è piena di ostacoli, ripida ed in salita. Non è fatta solo di spettacoli, inchini,gloria e applausi; è una lotta dura...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:04:00 GMT

Quella misteriosa magia chiamata danza

2002  Credo sia impossibile riuscire perfettamente ad esprimere a parole cosa rappresenti la danza nella mia vita, non basterebbe un libro intero per descrivere i pensieri collegati a questo ter...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 02:54:00 GMT

Ritratto di un grande artista....Michail Barishnikov

Londra, 22/02/2004 .... Penso che la settimana appena trascorsa (16-22/02/2004) rimarrà impressa nei miei ricordi in modo indelebile anche se a pensarci bene mi sembra di non averla vissuta realmente,...
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:35:00 GMT