Sports, playing and watching sports. Im all Minnesota teams fans though.. Beaches, parties, Movies, music, family, parties, bars, clubs, parties, golfing, tennis, parties..
You, the guy who invented Birth Control, Mr. Anheiser, Ashlee Simpson!! your girlfriend, Captin Morgan, Billy Bob Thorton, Linkin Park Band. Adam Sandler.
Rock, Country, Classics. Pretty much anything. Even some techno now and again just to pump up and jam out.
Girl on Girl are my favorite. They are everyones favorite.. Dont lie to yourself.. Or suspence, horror, comedy. Im a huge movie person.. I think ive seen them all.. Really...
King of Queens, Yes Dear, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Jerico,Discovery channel is always interesting... seriously..
Anything from Dean Koontz or John Grisham. But favorite book is John Grisham "Last Juror"
The guy who ended Prohibition.. and oF course. Chuck Norris... !
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