aya isz SUPERRR BUSY. ill be back SOON . profile picture

aya isz SUPERRR BUSY. ill be back SOON .


About Me

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"i Em jSt a guRl tryin' to eScaPe fr0m diS CRAZY WORLD"♥
♥I miss somebody right now ♥ I don't watch much TV these days. ♥ I wear glasses or contact lenses. ♥ I love to play video games, but I'm very picky with them. ♥ I've tried marijuana. ♥ I've watched porn movie (just once haha). ♥ I've never have been in a threesome. ♥ I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. ♥ I believe honesty is usually always the best policy. &hearts I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. ♥ I'm TOTALLY smart. ♥ I have broken someone's bones sorry =[. ♥ I have a secret that I am afraid to reveal. ♥ I love the rain. ♥ I'm paranoid at times when needed haha. ♥ I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. ♥ I need/want money right now. ♥ I love ice cream. ♥ I talk really, really fast, sometimes ♥ I have long hair. ♥ I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. ♥ I couldn't survive without food. ♥ I like the way that I look. ♥ I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months. ♥ I am usually pessimistic. ♥ I think Britney Spears is pretty. ♥ I have a hidden talent. ♥ I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. ♥ I have a lot of friends. ♥ I am currently single. ♥ I enjoy shopping. ♥ I would classify myself as ghetto, rocker? hmmm.. a mix of everything i guess. ♥ I'm obsessed with ice cream ang bags. ♥ I don't hate anyone. ♥ I'm a pretty good dancer. ♥ I believe in God. ♥ I have passed out drunk. ♥ I've rejected someone before. ♥ I currently like someone. hmm.. ♥ I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. ♥ I want to have 5 children in the future. ♥ I have changed a diaper before. ♥ I have a lot to learn. ♥ I am shy around the opposite sex. ♥ I have tried alcohol or drugs before. [alcohol lang!] ♥ I own the "South Park" movie. ♥ I enjoy some country music. ♥ I would die for my family. ♥ I think that YELLOW CAB has the best pizza. ♥ I watch soap operas whenever I can,. ♥ I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like love it. ♥ I have dated a close friend's ex. ♥ I am sad at this moment. ♥ Democrat. ♥ Conservative Republican. ♥ I am punk rockish. ♥ I am preppy. ♥ I go for older guys/girls, not younger ♥ I am comfortable with who I am right now. ♥ I believe in prophetic dreams. ♥ I plan on achieving a major goal/dream. ♥ I love romantic-comedy movies. ♥ I think water rules. ♥ I like egg, sausage and bacon. ♥ I have thrown up from crying too much. ♥ I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved. ♥ I love kisses. &hearts I fall for the WORST people and have been hurt every time. ♥ I think school is awesome. (the people, that is.) ♥ I think pigtails serve a purpose. ♥ I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing. ♥ I usually like covers better than originals. ♥ I can't whistle well. ♥ I still have every journal I've ever written in. ♥ I can't stick to a diet. ♥ I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. !!! ♥ I am a caffeine junkie. ♥ I read trashy romance novels and I am not ashamed. ♥ I love wrestling and basketball. ♥ I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better. ♥ I'm an artist, frustrated. ♥ I sleep with so many pillows around me. ♥ I am extremely flexible. ♥ I love hugs more than kisses. ♥ I want to own my own business. ♥ I smoke ♥ Nobody has ever said I'm normal. ♥ Sad movies, games, fics and the like can cause a trickle of tears every now and then. ♥ I like the way women look in stylized men's suits. ♥ I don't like it when people are displeased or seem displeased with me. ♥ I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds. ♥ I have played tennis with my non dominant hand before. ♥ I read the labels on food, shampoo, and other things just because. ♥ I believe in ghosts and the paranormal. ♥ I can't stand being alone. ♥ I have at least one obsession at any given time. ♥ I'm a HUGE dramaqueen. ♥ I was a spice girls fan and I'm proud of it ♥ I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am. ♥ I am sometime a Libertarian. ♥ I can sing songs in languages I don't speak. ♥ I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be. ♥ I am very confused. ♥ I believe that everything ends. ♥ I like happy endings. ♥ I ask too many questions. ♥ I would rather watch TV than read. ♥ I like reading fact more than fiction. ♥ My parents never gave me a set allowance. ♥ I have a talent for complicating people's lives unintentionally. ♥ I go completely out of control. ♥ I’ve run away from home. ♥ Internet friendships freak me out. ♥ I have crushes on numerous television characters. ♥ I talk to myself far too much. ♥ I'm known for singing in the shower ♥ I put myself down a lot. ♥ I'm a HUGE Backstreet Boys fan. And I'm not 12. ♥ I try to write down my dreams as soon as I wake up so I could recall them in the future ♥ I've done numerous offenses in school... and I've only been caught ONCE. ♥ I don't read romance novels ♥ I hate it when people poke me.

My Interests

sucker for sweetness :p , self-proclaimed rockstar in the shower

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

r u tha oNe fO' Me???

Are you the ONE for ME? I ask you this question becuz.. I breath harder every second I'm around you.. My heart races twice as fast as usual.. My brain can nearly function the way it's suppose too.. ...
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:03:00 PST

" walk away "

Walk Away (remember Me)[Intro:] I'm gonna remember you You gonna remember me I'm gonna remember you You gonna remember me [Verse 1:] I saw you with your new girl just yesterday And I feel that I must ...
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:56:00 PST

"NUR" (+make me whole+)

Darling/Baby I want you to listen I stayed up all night, so I can get this thing right And I don't think there's anything missing Cause a person like you, made it easy to do I've waited for so long, t...
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:44:00 PST

am i one of your top friends?

  if i am, pls let me know so i could thank you properly or smthing.
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:56:00 PST

when its really over

This is one of the mornings after another > sleepless night that I cannot help not ask > myself, why didn't I have a good night sleep > again? Then I would just joke myself and answer > it with, maybe...
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:30:00 PST

tHis will make you cry

Jenny was so happy about the house they hadfound.For once in her life it was on the right side oftown.She unpacked her things with such great ease.As she watched her new curtains blow in thebreeze.How...
Posted by _ my middle name is MISERY_ on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:23:00 PST