anything that i have to use my hands. installing car stereo's, painting, martial arts, cabinentry, furniture building, welding, shooting.
my future children
anything and everything literally. hardcore to country and everything in between
the last samurai, braveheart, tears of the sun, miracle, legends of the fall, a beautiful mind, happy gilmore, billy madison, arthur,
house thats it just house other than that it just stays off
to kill a mockingbird, the phantom of the opera (dont ask), and one more the great gatsby, i wanna read flags of our fathers
my mom, no matter how many people looked down on her for what she did in her life she tried her best to be happy. thats what she lived for was to make herself and those she loved happy. her heart was pure and thats more than most people can say. and my aunt elise. with everything she suffers from she wont let the pain control her life. she uses the pain to grow and expand to better herself and those she loves!