Hmmmm...well... today is febuary, 2nd 2008.. the time is 12:13pmAnd we are about to learn my life history in under 2 minutes..well I started out as your run of the mill teen, I was morman and proud but laking somthing.. thats when I thought "hey I should do somthing cool" so I started smoking pot...well time flys when ur high.. and I just started laying around and jerking it.. then the time came form me to KICK IT UP A NOTCH...So i thought whats better than jerking it??? VJJ..I then started to look for the VJJ.. clubs and what not..
this is when I found out that not all girls wanna give out VJJ...WTF I I then started to look at fat/ugly chicks.. thats when the promblem with alchool arose..then life was going great.. constant VJJ, weed, and beer.. what could be better??when one day I was told by one of the slutty/ugly/fat chicks that if I had to compare ur dick to a explosion.. a hot dog would be a atom bomb.. and mine would be a sparkler... I then found this other miricle drug.. VIAGRA>. WOOT...!!!THEN EVERYTHING WAS ONCE GOING GOOD AGAIN... i HAD EVEN SLEPT WITH A COUPLE HOTTYS IN THIS TIME (BECAUSE THEY HERD I HAD A BIG COCK..) IT WAS THE BEST TIME EVER... WoWTHEN i NEEDED SOMTHING BIGGER/FASTER MORE EXCITING..WHICH LEADS ME TOO THE PLACE IN AT NOW..PROUD OWNER OF A LSX
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