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About Me

LIKES!!!! Sunsets,valentines,beaches,full moons,doggies,Boys,sweet kisses,green ink pens,guys with short curly hair,Indie rock,backroads,My Chemical Romance,strawberries,Lucky&Curve fragrances,window shopping,the number 4,OSU football,Ashlee Simpson as a Brunette,Hilary Duff,CSI,guys with nice lips,toe socks,mistletoe,black and white,long eyelashes,cucumbers,The Killers,"Two Weeks Notice",and biological scienceDISLIKES!!!! Snow,Cats,guys with hair longer than mine,PT Cruisers,"Kill Bill Volume 1&2",Avril Lavigne,storebought b-day cakes,people who have the sniffles,squeaky shoes,yellow gel pens,roller bookbags,and anything about Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan