About Me
I'm A Mother, Wife, Friend, Daughter, Sister, WIERD, goofy, funny, bitchy, extreme, LOUD, annoying, parnoid, self-centered, giving, Clean & Sober (8 yrs), Health Freak, Herbalist, Healer, Hard Worker, Sarcastic, special, loving and loved, unfocused, determined, hopefull, joyfull, happy, CRAZY, fun, sexy, dreamer, planner, unorganized, Lazy, suspicious, Freaky, spiritual, hormonal, blessed, openmined, willing, honest,Intuitive, stuborn, silly, hyper..... and will always be a jersey girl at heart..............I'm one of god's kids, perfectly imperfect. Perfectly HUMAN!
I have been to the gates of hell and I have danced with the devil and NOW I experience heaven on earth and sit in the palm of God's hand. I am truly blessed!!