I'd like to meet:
Name: Rrrose
Date of Birth: 23 June 1989
Birthplace: Mather AFB
Current Location: West Sac. You know, the place with the whales.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Height: 62.5"
Heritage: 1/2 Mexican and a big swirly blend of some other stuff
Piercings: 2 in each ear
Tattoos: None yet.
Band/Singer: The Kooks
Song: "Girl Next Door" by Saving Jane. Just cuz it never gets old.
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean! (all of em!)
Disney Movie: PotC is a Disney movie..
TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Color: gray-blue
Food: BK stackers. yumyum.
Pizza topping: pepperoni & olives
Ice-Cream Flavor: cookie dough
Drink (alcoholic): strawberry daiquiris. cuz i have fond memories attached to
Soda: Vault
Store: WetSeal, Forever21, and Alloy.com
Clothing Brand: I don't really pay attention to clothing brands.
Shoe Brand: Converse
Season: Summer
Month: June/October
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Roses. Duh.
Make-Up Item: Mascara makes my eyes go *bam!*
Board game: ugh. none.
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruits
Night or day: Afternoon?
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Um...?
Phone or in person: In person.
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hot or cold: Hot
Goal for this year: To be able to run a mile (at least) without feeling
like I'm going to die afterwards.
Most missed memory: The time when I could say, "Eh. I don't need to think
about my future. I've still got plenty of years left."
Best physical feature: My face I suppose. Maybe my overall shape.. if I
had bigger boobs that is.
First thought waking up: nyuuu .__.
Hypothetical personality disorder: Avoidant :/
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Boobs.
Sesame street alter ego: Cookie Monster :D
Fairytale alter ego: Fiona
Worst crime: I've shop lifted minor things.
Greatest ambition: Make good money doing something that I love.
Greatest fear: That I'll be poor.
Darkest secret: I eat raw hotdogs.
Favorite subject: Music stuff.
Strangest received gift: A ring.. from this weird freshman kid who told
Bryan to give it to me and say it was from him. But I was standing right there
so it was kind of like.. wtf?
Worst habit: I keep a lot of anger pent up inside of me, and when I try
to tell the person about it I phrase it wrong and it ends up just getting
bottled up again.
Smoke: Nooo.
Drink: Rarely.
Curse: Mildly.
Shower daily: Everyother.
Like thunderstorms: Yepyep.
Dance in the rain: No. I avoid being in the rain.
Sing: Yeah.
Play an instrument: Many.
Get along with your parents: For the most part.
Wish on stars: Every once in awhile.
Believe in fate: No.
Believe in love at first sight: No.
Drive: Yeah. But I don't have a license.
Sew: Yep.
Cook: Yep.
Speak another language: Sorta.
Dance: Yep.
Sing: Yep.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope.
Whistle: Yep.
Curl your tongue: Yep.
Been Drunk: No
Been Stoned/High: No
Eaten Sushi: Yes. And I didn't like it.
Been in Love: Yep.
Skipped school: Once.
Made prank calls: I listened to my cousin make prank calls once a loooong
time ago.
Sent someone a love letter: Nope.
Stolen something: Yeah.
Cried yourself to sleep: A few times.
What annoys you most in a person? Melodrama(ticism?)
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Wheneva
Name three things you can't live without: Internet, Friends, and a Comfy
What is the color of your room? Varying shades of red, purple, and gold.
Do you have any siblings? 2 half sisters.
Do you have any pets? 4 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster, and fishies.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? ..Yes.
What is you middle name? Deanne
What are you nicknames? RosiePosie or just Rosie
Are you for or against gay marriage? For
What are your thoughts on abortion? It's fine up until the 3rd trimester.
Then it gets icky.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Jack Sparrow
Are you afraid of the dark? Yeah pretty much.
How do you want to die? I'll never die! mwahaha.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? I
used to eat ungodly amounts of otterpops.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I don't think so. I value
my life too much.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Jaywalking
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: At least 5'5"
Weight: 130 to 180 depending on muscle mass and height and such
Most important physical feature: A well-defined upper torso
Biggest turn-off: Unruly facial hair, stink, and bummy clothing.
~~~~~~Awesome Oboe Stuff~~~~~~~
Ennio Morricone - "Gabriel's Oboe"
Penderecki - "Capriccio per oboe e orchestra"
New pretty things.
Quizzes, Personality Thingamabobs, and More!
the kooks
hellogoodbyethe raconteurs tvxq/dbsk
the beatles belanova
leehom wang gackt jj lin
koda kumi fake? bi/rain
juanes keith urban
lily allen rammstein eisley
frank sinatra red jumpsuit apparatus the click five
nor cali