Assholes |
Who wants to bet that someone's a step away from a verbal raping? it's a safe bet. I'd suggest laying your money down now. Posted by Something Wicked on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:38:00 PST |
You need not be white to be an ignoramus |
Today in one of my classes, I heard a black girl talking about mono. A white guy said he missed a few classes because he had it, and this girl goes on a tirade about how it's a white disease and... Posted by Something Wicked on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 05:07:00 PST |
I’m back, motherfuckers |
You thought you were safe again, didn't you? Ten months of my cyber silence provided you sanctuary, gave you a safe haven from my wrath...Kiss your haven good bye. Andy Fuckin' Miller is b... Posted by Something Wicked on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:32:00 PST |
I owed you a blog, you fat, stupid whore |
Before I get into my story and response to it, let's have a history lesson. The guy who declared his love to my girlfriend months before our breakup? Silenced. The kid who got offend... Posted by Something Wicked on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:04:00 PST |
Someone still has things to say about me... |
Some people never learn. Whether it be caused by inability or unwillingness, it's as though some people just beg for the right to be perceived as completely and utterly ignorant.Regardless of ev... Posted by Something Wicked on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 03:02:00 PST |
Nobody has anything left to say? |
So let's see... a certain someone called me a certain name, and when I called him on it, he responded, and I responded. No response? I'm almost disappointed. Posted by Something Wicked on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:59:00 PST |
You will not beat me |
No matter how hard you try, you will not beat me.Not by making profiles private, or using funny little quotes around not so funny innuendos. Not by trashing me when I am not around. Not by... Posted by Something Wicked on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 03:12:00 PST |
One more blog today |
I've spent the last hour or two laughing out loud at how fucking stupid some of you people are. It's quite astounding. I love it, really. I truly love it. Posted by Something Wicked on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:31:00 PST |
Oh, by the way |
I hadn't checked my inbox, and I didn't realize that the one she apologized for had sent me a message. Let me respond to that here.
Fuck you. I'll call whoever I want whatever I want. ... Posted by Something Wicked on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 06:14:00 PST |
World Class Prick |
So, reading through and seeing a picture of myself on someone else's MySpace, I come across someone who didn't have something nice to say about me. In fact, in regards to my recent break-up, I'm... Posted by Something Wicked on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 02:27:00 PST |