xcbarex profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love: my Slut, hardcore, punk, emo, being sXe, kicking slut's ass at cubis, eating vege food and chocolate,purple,singing musicals with Meg, laughing with Chris Cara and Patrick, spending all day in my pyjamas, talking to my mom for hours about nothing, watching the o.c. with my dad and then calling chris cara to talk about it. I have been dating my wonderful boyfriend Brian for over 3 years now. We have so much fun together, I am the luckiest girl on the planet. He is the best guy ever. The best day will be when we get married and have the biggest sXe party ever. We're gonna have sparkling cider toasts, virgin pina coladas and strawberry daquiris, and a beautiful cake made by Pat Cayer! Can't wait for that day. ;) Love you B. AND THAT DAY IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING! For those of you who don't know, Brian and I are engaged and are getting married friday October 26, 2007!!! Wahoo!!!-I miss: Katie cause Syracuse is far, my grandfather, playing soccer, sitting with Joanie in the SCSU student center,playing with Suzy, cause we're just too far away to play, watching all my t.v. shows with my roomie stacie, Chris Cayer because he is in freaking CHICAGO! and I'm not. Rachael because Wisonsin is so far away I don't even know where it is.-On another note: I'm now married to the most wonderful boy ever! We had our first married Christmas and it was amazing. I am seriously the luckiest girl on the planet. As I think about all the things that have changed in the past year, I realize that everything that has happened is seriously for the best. I could not picture my life any other way and I'm so ridiculously happy, I can't even imagine the way things were before.

My Blog

Hurry, hurry, you put my head in such a flurry, flurry

Chili's guiltless grill carne asada steak with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes is delicious. and only 13 points. SWEETCold Stone Creamery is NOT points friendly. But that's why I have flex points...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 21:58:00 GMT

Cozy Monday Night

I've known a lot of people who think of themselves as "super social, movers and shakers, and the life of the party." I can categorically say that "the lives of the party" all live in Syracuse, so good...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 18:31:00 GMT


Fucking hate Valentine's Day this year. Damnit
Posted by on Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:28:00 GMT

I hate my aunts

Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck. My parents went to Grandpa's house on Saturday to try and settle some of the estate. My bitch of an Aunt Eileen was acting weird. My father thinks she has someone lined up to buy...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Jan 2005 21:45:00 GMT


And He will raise you up on Eagle's Wings, Bear you on the breath of God, Make you to shine like the sun, And hold you in the palm of His Hand.- 4/17/98- Always in our hearts. I miss you Brian. We all...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:06:00 GMT

Procrastination at its best

1. What's your name: Claire 2. What do you wish your name was, instead: I like my name, no one else had it growing up 3. How are you: Tired, a teeny bit sore. 4. Would you ever eat sushi? I've eate...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:05:00 GMT

Ya wanna know what sucks?

My stupid school!!!! My english teacher, who was my favorite, has assigned an awful topic for an essay, and its giving me so much crap. I can't seem to make it good enough. Oh, and my algebra teacher,...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Apr 2004 21:51:00 GMT

Very Content

Wow. what an awesome weekend. Friday- I couldn't get down that train platform quick enough to get into slut's arms. and when i got there, i didn't wanna let him go. but we obviously could not stay o...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Mar 2004 08:08:00 GMT