I'm a rock-n-roll chic. I write. I like to chill with The Krew and the assorted other gangs of Manch-Vegas I'm part of.
If you think you can handle me, step up.
I'm passionate about it. Most of my favorites are my friends. NIN is my favorite famous band.
Casablanca, The Princess Bride, The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future...
I don't like TV all that much. I dig LOST, the original old school Scooby Doo, Buffy, Family Guy, MXC, & the original Land of the Lost.
I love the Harry Potter series. Stephen King's The Stand is awesome. Dante's Inferno is amazing. I've read tons of books, I'm just very picky about what I like.
Miss Maine for keeping me just this side of sane.