[im <sorry> but Im happy wit ma baby] profile picture

[im &lt;sorry&gt; but Im happy wit ma baby]

i love me!!!!!!!!!

About Me

chenee,is who I wake up to be in the morning. I am at a time in ma life wea I am having to do a self examination,cus I realize that Everybody is not wrong...and somethings are ME...and I am women enough to admit to that,because I want to grow and the first step to the growth is...THE TRUTH...and the truth is I am not perfect,I have lied,I have cheated,I have hurt people,people have hurt me, I have ben unforgiving...but I know that thats not the real chenee....I have been through sooooo much in ma life..but it has and will only make me stronger..I now realize that Friends dont come and go as many people would love to believe...true friends stick around regaurdless..."teachers" (whaT I CALL THEM)COME and go and i am learning that the ones who i called friends were onli in ma life to teach me things...like how to forgive,how to let go,how to love ginuinely.....AND I THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart...I would love to say that I am completely over the hurt and the pain but i cant..what i can say is that..I AM LETTING it go!!..im tired and i refuse to become physically ill behind any HUMAN being or stress..so i will end this by saying..alway put god first cus in the end you will be on your knees crying and you will look around and NO BoDY will be thea BUT him...and i had to learn that the hard way..so please remember that...trust... it makes life easier...to ma OLdest sister lisa..I wanna say thank you soooo much for always being thea fa me even when i didnt give you the recognition that you deserve..when mia died i felt like i lost ma sister so i had to go around lookin for others to be "my sister"...but i realize all the while you were rite thea...and you are ma sister by blood and nooooo body will ever be that to me....to ma other sisters i love you guyssss sooo much and i appologize that i havent always been the sister that i should be to you guys...guess i was too busy tryna be close with others that i forgot that i HAVE sisters alreadi that love me...FOr me...Well im all outta words....much love...nae..this is me!

My Interests

href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI5NS5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL21tMTIyL3ByZWNpb3VzXzA4XzA5Lz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PWxfZjA0YTgzY2RlMWY2MjUzOWNmNmY1YmViMjVkNzY5MD kuanBn" target="_blank"

I'd like to meet:

a href="http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj43/tae_tae33/?act ion=view&current=tape.gif" target="_blank"


..I see rite thru da bull shit!!!!!


href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI5NS5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL21tMTIyL3ByZWNpb3VzXzA4XzA5Lz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PWxfMmIzNzBmZWVjY2IwNDkxZjFlNjc1N2Q5MmM3OWRlMG EuanBn" target="_blank" ...you couldnt walk a mile in the orange ones!lol..noT mine n e way!lol


href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI5NS5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL21tMTIyL3ByZWNpb3VzXzA4XzA5Lz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PWxfNWU1YjZlNmViMWU1NDk3Y2NiN2IwMjc1N2FhNTE5LT EuanBn" target="_blank" .. I love ma lil big sister!!! ..ma sisters e and yana..


a href="http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm122/precious_08_0 9/?action=view&current=m_1063c919d8b801cc13f2040e7ec416b 5.jpg" target="_blank" href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI5NS5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL21tMTIyL3ByZWNpb3VzXzA4XzA5Lz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PWxfZGQzMzkzMjE1NzBhM2Y0MDQ2OWVjZGJjMzNjMGZlOD guanBn" target="_blank" ..


GOD,my mother,ma oldest sister lisa!