I'd like to meet:
.. bAsiCs ..
lEgAlly: Duane
rEmiXeD: D
1st bReAtH: 8-25-1982
hOmEtoWn: NJ
hEriTaGe: African American
StAtuS: Single
.. tHiS iS mE ..
eYes/ hAir cOlOr: Drk Brn
hEigHt: 5'9
shOe siZe: 9 1/2
riGhtY oR leFty: Right handed, Left Winged
siBLinGs: 2 Sis & 2 Bros
nUmbEr oF piErciNgs/ tAttOos: 2
.. mY fAvOriTes ..
fOoD & dRinK: Soul Food and Fiji
nUmbErs: 2
cOlOr: White b/c it looks good against my skin tone.
sCeNT: Fierce by A&F
iCe cReaM fLaVoR: Strawberry Cheescake
cAnDY: Snickers
coOKiE: Oreo
peOpLe: Shon, Ash, RoC, Ni, AK, Tara, Noe, Ti, LB,Nik, Fran, Ari, Tamar, Mel, Eyton,
cHaRacTer: ME and ROC
sOnG: Both Justin and Christinas new CDS at the moment. 11-10-06
aNimAL: Sasha and Xena
..iN tHe pAst mOnTh hAve yOu..
dRaNk alChOL: Dirty Martini and Johnny and Coke
sMOkeD: Quit 11-9-06
gOne tO tHe mOviEs: Saw 3 is the last movie I have seen.
gOne On a DAte: LOL...that would require me to meet someone worth while.
gOne SkiNny DipPinG: In my tub
eAtEn a bOx Of OreOs: No
eAten Sushi Spicy Tuna Hand Rolls are whats up.
eAteN a piNt Of iCe crEaM: No
beEn tO tHe MaLL: Yeah just bought these hot riding boots
beEn tO a pArTy: At Club Soul
bEen On StaGe: Unfortunately NO
bEen DumPed: Na
StOleN AnYthiNg: I'm not a thief, thats for people without MORALS.
sOLd sOmEtHiNg: Yeah my LOVE
..tHiS Or tHaT ..
pEpSi Or cOke: Depends on what I am eating.
mCdOnAld*s Or bUrgEr kInG: McDonalds Fries and BK Burgers
chOcOlAte Or VanIllA: Vanilla
caPpuCcinO Or cOffeE: Pumpkin Spice Latte
LiptOn iCe tEa Or neSteA: Lipton, Nestea taste artifical
cHicKeN Or sTeAk: Rare Steak
daY Or niTe: Day
bEaCh Or poOL: Beach
wiNdOws dOwN Or A/C: Drop Top
.. bOuT yOurS fRieNds ..
lOngEst: Nita a.k.a Pradip
fUnniEsT: Monica
sMaRteST: Lauren
dUmbEsT: I plead the 5th
qUieTeSt: What does that mean? LOL
lOudEst: Nita
shYeSt: None of the above, if it would be anyone its probably me.
mOsT OuTgOin: Tara
mOsT aThleTic: Andy
whO dO yOu gEt aDviCe frOM: Majority of them give good advice, go to certain friends for certain advice.
wHo knOwS aLL yOur SecRetS: None
..tHe mEN..
eYeS: Light Brown to Green
lOng Or shOrT haIr: Doesn't matter
6 paCk Or mUscUlar: Both
shOrT Or TaLL: Tall
eAR piErcEd: It would look good either way
.. mY fUtuRe ..
liVing wHeRe: NYC, London, or Paris
jOb: International Fashion merchandising
whO wiLL bE bY my siDe: Hopefully A Man, if not F it.
MARY J, DMB, Ben Harper, India Arie, SIA, Incubus, Game, 50, T.I, Kanye, BIG, Tupac, Mobb Deep, Lil Kim, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Jay Z, Beyonce, Madonna, Prince, Patti Labelle, and many more.
Color Purple, A Home at the End of the World, Broken Hearts Club, Boyz N the Hood, Set it Off, RENT, Old School, Dirty Dancing, and Brokeback Mountain just to name a few.
HEROS, OC,The Game, Girlftiends, CSI, Smallville, Contender, Real World, So U think U can Dance, Noahs Arc, Project Runway, Dool, AMC,GL, Girlfriends, Oprah, Blade, and more.
Color Purple,Any book by E.Lynn Harris,Coldest Winter, Tru 2 the game, B-more Careful, Homo Thug, All Wendy Williams Books, Night, Passion Marks 1&2, Animal Farm, and many more.