Squid Films profile picture

Squid Films

About Me

For three years and one half, a creeping pulse emanated from the basement of Hotel Champion. It was the product of the young artists who comprised Squid Films inc. Youths gathered in awe to observe these visionaries in their element. Illuminated by the projections of their eccentric experimental films, they performed original compositions comparable to no others at the time.Clark Hunter encountered a young man named Richard Greene at a picture show and soon their collective fascination with film led to experimentation. Being musicians, the two inevitably collaborated and soon recruited Jens Haussler to their ensemble.After making several untitled short films, the company embarked on a project entitled Architeuthis. En route to an island for on-site shooting, it is speculated the ship struck shoals and wrecked. Remains of the vessel washed ashore, but as for the crew, it is assumed they perished.In its brief existence Squid Films presented a remarkable experience for local audiences, thus forming the tale that lurks among history’s depths.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/20/2006
Band Website: squidfilmsmusic.com
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

At Last

Commence Transmission:[ For anyone awaiting the EP Persistence of Vision, it is now available.For anyone just learning of said EP, it is now availble. We will most likely have a digital version availa...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:57:00 GMT

Another grand step

For a few months we have been speaking to the proprietor of the Espresso Yourself Cafe about renting a room above his shop for a permanent practice and recording spot and, well, that time has come. We...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 12:08:00 GMT

EP Almost Completed/New Track

Squid Films is just a few steps away from producing an EP. For those patiently awaiting it, fear not! It's on it's way.Also, Squid Films has added a improv song, exhibiting a new slightly new style we...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:29:00 GMT

Forthcoming EP

That’s right, over the next few months or so will be recording new tracks and re-recording old ones. Keep watching as these new songs and new versions will definitely be uploaded for your enjoym...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:25:00 GMT

State of Affairs

Things are starting to take form. We've performed, the website is comming along, and several new songs are on the way. To watch our performance:Part 1 ("Monologue of an Eligtened Youth"...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 15:49:00 GMT

So Much to Be Done

So, at the moment Squid Films has some 20 odd songs to be recorded, finished, or otherwise. There's also an official website in the works. Hang tight, it's going to be worth it. The music la...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:42:00 GMT

O Squid Brethren! 'Tis a Sad Tale!

He was just to tenacious for his own good. Blasts! Captured and Frozen!    
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:33:00 GMT

The State of Squid Films

Squid Films is working on several songs. The current demos will most likely be re-recorded in the near future.
Posted by on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:42:00 GMT

What a beginning!

"All hands on Deck!" Here we are.  A couple months after signing on to myspace, and Squid Films has 50 friends, 200 prof. views, two new songs, one very devoted fan. Steeldust and Oneiric a...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:18:00 GMT