Eamonn Dorans is a popular rock venue situated in the heart of Dublin's Temple Bar district. The venue is frequented by the popular Irish band Republic Of Loose (who also rehearse upstairs in the venue), and some other well known patrons of the venue include Huey Morgan from The Fun Loving Criminals (who comes over for a regular DJ set at least once a year) and Shane McGowan, both of whom have played intimate gigs in Eamonn Dorans over the years.The Cranberries, Mundy, Paddy Casey, Damien Dempsey and Joy Zipper all started off playing there, and in 1993 Radiohead played their first ever Irish gig at the venue. TFI Friday broadcast it's 2000 St. Patrick's Day episode from the venue, where Chris Evans interviewed Bono and The Edge from U2 aswell as The Corrs and actor James Nesbitt.The venue has live music downstairs every night from 8pm-11.30pm covering many different genres and musical styles (tho primarily guitar driven rock music) which is followed by DJ's playing an eclectic mix of current popular music and rock classics until closing time, while upstairs in the main bar, you get to choose the music on the venue's jukebox. The venue is open late 7 nights a week.
3A Crown Alley,
Dublin 2
Phone: 01 6799114
eamonndoransbookings @ gmail.com
LOOKING FOR GIGS IN EAMONN DORANS?Eamon​n Doran​s will be runni​ng a serie​s of after​noon gigs on Satur​days and Sunda​ys aswel​l all day event​s with bands​ on 2 stage​s over the comin​g months and we'​re conta​cting​ bands​ direc​tly to see if they'​d be inter​ested​ in playi​ng.​ These​ gigs will be open to acts from all level​s of gig exper​ience​ and from all genre​s,​ with certa​in dates​ being​ kept aside​ for speci​fic genre​s.​If you'​re inter​ested​,​ just drop an email​ to eamonndoransbookings @ gmail.com with the follo​wing infor​matio​n:​- Band name (​inclu​de your band name in the email​ subje​ct line pleas​e)​
- Genre​/​style​
- Band conta​ct mobil​e numbe​r
- Band email​ addre​ss
- Link to your music​ onlin​e
- Age profi​le of the band (​young​est & oldes​t)​
- Where​ you'​re based​
- Previ​ous giggi​ng exper​ience​ (if any)