my brain is constantly trying to escape it's bone inprisonment, it bleeds through my nose every morning. I always manage to catch it, i fear one will out-run me.
i couldn't understand why the shiver of deja vu was slipped into my capt'n, i was scanning Dr.suess, i swear my picture was in it. i swear those pages contain everyday of my life.
for example: i awoke sunday morning to realize there was a pancake wedged in between my face and (person in room)'s shoulder, when i gained conciousness i realized there was almost a box of pancakes on the both of us.
we ate them.
they were good.
Mama Shake n' Bake
In the beginning of this journey i tied a hundred-million strands of hair together, and tied one end to the door-knob so i would never get lost.
"The idea is to remain at a constant state of departure while always arriving, it saves on introductions and good-bye's."
"P.S I love you"
Layout by CoolChaser