sleeping,looking at the world in retrospect,singing too loudly when I'm alone,singing really softly to the point of silent in a matter of seconds when someone walks in the room,sleeping,sexing my man,sleeping,sitting behind my laptop and watching crap that makes me giggle for hours 'till I have to eat or pee,fashion (or the lack of it??..)Music,ART,daydreaming about pink elephants and whatnot,painting then stopping halfway cuz of lack of motivation,singing in chior just for the money,chasing people away by being indifferent,secretly wanting to be evil and mean,but too much of a nice girl to do so,eating OLIVE hmmmm..randomness,ooohh pink lemonade.
people with a sense of humour and a heart of a child.I'm not looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend/sex partners/ways to earn money fast/ --for those whom have a hard time figuring out what a girl wants.I've got a man and loving it :D So anyone with something to say,be it random or not
Anything that tickles me.Altenative to Rap to Classical.I'm a big surprise.wooh.
Horror and Drama,Thrillers and Comemdies,it's just..they have to be 'special'..which can mean anything.
Anything I don't bother to switch after 15 seconds?Oooh Heroes is on,yeah!
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley