I am Lori's sister =.='My current role playing cartoon name is Alia or Aeria
My Affiliation: Maverick Hunters
I'm Alive and Active.....I began my career as a simple researcher in Reploid engineering.As quick learner, I soon mastered all programming languages and was chosen on these merits to be a spotter for the Hunters. I served as the Hunters' spotter during the Sigma Virus outbreak, while simultaneously lending my technical talents to the cause by uploading and letting X utilize his two new armors, the Falcon and Gaea armor. She supported the Hunters throughout the ordeal until it was resolved.I am always cool and confident, even when I was faced with difficult situations. My only emotional confrontation was during the Enigma and Shuttle launches, and when I urged X not to go to the Virus coordinates as it was too dangerous. This emotion, though, was still controlled by a calm forefront. This cool exterior, though, also leads to skepticism, as I doubts a miracle of X's incredible healing. I still remain confident in my skills, though, knowing that I'm the best of the best as I stands amazed at a program that could prevent any new input about Zero. Even I could not program that code, I admit things about it. While I refuse to call this a "miracle," I do admit it is yet another mystery about X's structureSo I help Zero and X in they're missions and I give them advice everywhere they go... and support them..
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