hmmm animation drawing playing bass computing in general evrything from building computers to taking them apart and all in between lol socialising is probably my main interest i need to be with people i go crazy when im left alone lol
hmm id like to meet the future me and id like to meet matt bellamy also if only half my favourite cartoon charecters were real id love to meet them
hmmmm muse!!!!!!!! and most rock and a bit of everything else really
the matrix and in general just love watching films i try to watch at least one film i havent seen before everyday
doctor who and kids programs really
anything by douglas adams all his books are class my book is great and almost finished and i love doctor who novels i just love reading really
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good question i dont have any really no point of looking up to people be who u wanna be be the best person u can and thats it really