Nashmillion$ profile picture


Producer/Director/A&R/DJ/whatever, I make music!

About Me

I grew up in East Los Angeles, and currently live and work in Tokyo for a major record company. I work with artists such as ARIA, COLOR, Clarabell, EXILE, GROW, and Twenty4-7. If you're an aspiring artist, producer, beat maker, DJ, and you think you got what it takes, drop a comment on my myspace!!!
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My Interests

Surfing, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Snowboarding. Clubbing a little.....o.k. a lot!

I'd like to meet:

Walt Disney


Anything that pleases me aurally.....


Legends of Dogtown Z-Boys (growing up in the 70's in So Cal, they were my heroes!)


Network television is wack in Japan.