I MISS THAILAND. and the guy who played pink floyd for us every night. i love pearl jam. i love the beach. i like attention. macca's is a perfect date haha. i take things way to far, ON MY BICYCLE. I like boys in black jeans. I love lobster. she is my fave since prep.I'm asian, i guess. Jacinta is my best friend, grade one peggs ! =) i wish i was as cute as glen archer. hahah
Kate Scanlan was a plain jane who was a bitch. Just a plain old bitch. She was a horrible person, a selfish person, one who wouldn't even donate her organs. She had no taste in clothes, especially bathers. She had huge tits. Too big actually. Sometimes they knocked her out when she ran. Speaking of running, she can't run for shit. She was a try hard slut, and encouraged others to slut it up. She made me buy an extremely short dress, and made fun of my webby eyes. She was a racist big shouldered try hard slut. I hated Kate no middle name Scanlan. She had ugly hands. I wont miss her. The only thing i'll miss is her coming to maccas with me, the fat bitch.
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