scummming it up with zoe, playing pirates with amber,BEING WITH/ IN JAKS MAFIA!, haVin family nites with my cuZin sarah and jesss lewis is a HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT girl :) bein with alll my friends. love u girls, n a few select boys also ;)aka ROMMAS
anyone whos not a fuking emo or goth... they r taking over the world! die goth die!
any really. but especially house n anything me n zoe can rave to
zooooolander, night at the museum, crazy beautiful, one perfect day, SIN CITY
family guy, simpsons
ones with pictures
ZOE CRERAR: shes just so damn cool and she is the best melbourne shuffler i know. and she has the bigggest scummmiest hooop earrings in geeelong. which she DID get in corio. and she is not afraid to force feeed alex kennedy 2 week old doughnuts, which most people know is PRETTTY heroic. and she can see the beauty in all the bubbles. which we know is pretty hard 4 all u normal people out there