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Steal This Book

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Building, 881 7th Ave. at 56th St. Free on Friday, Saturday andSunday at 8:15 PM. JU 6-4800 for information.New York Shakespeare Festival, Delacourte Theater, CentralPark. Every night except Monday. Performance begins at 8:00 PM, butget there before 6:00 PM to be assured of tickets.Pageant Players, the Sixth Street Theater Group and otherstreet theater groups perform on street corners and in parks. Freetheater is also provided at the United Nations Building and theStock Exchange on Wall Street. If you enjoy seventeenth centurycomedy.The Equity Library Theatre gives performances of old Broadwayhits at the Masters Institute, 103rd St. and Riverside Drive. Theyperform Tuesday through Sunday at 8:30 PM and Sunday at 2:30 PM.Free tickets are not always available so phone ahead (MO 3-2038)for reservations. No shows during the summer.The Museum of Performing Arts, 111 Amsterdam Ave. offersplays, dance programs and music. Shows start at 6:30 PM. Ticketsare handed out at 4:00 PM. Saturday shows start at 2:30 PM. You canwrite for a calendar of events to 1865 Broadway or call 799-2200.Movies
    The New York Historical Society, Central Park West and 77thSt. presents Hollywood movies every Saturday afternoon. TR 3-3400for a schedule.At the Metropolitan Museum, Fifth Ave. and 82nd St., you cansee art films every Monday at 3:00 PM. TR 9-5500 for a schedule.New York University has a very good free movie program as wellas poetry, lectures, and theatre presentations. Call the ProgramDirector's Office 598-2026 for a schedule.The Film Library in the Donnell Library, 20 W. 53rd St.,790-6463, has a wide variety of films which may be borrowed free ofcharge. The Library system also presents film programs throughoutthe year. Pick up a Calendar of Events which lists the freeshowings at all the branches.The Museum of Modern Art is free every Monday and they have afree film showing at 2 and 5 PM. Get a schedule at the Museum. Theyhave the largest movie collection in the world.Museum of Natural History, Central Park West between 77th and81st St. (TR 3-1300), presents travel and anthropological films onWednesday and Saturday afternoons at 2:00 sharp, from Octoberthrough May.

Every movie that plays in New York has a series of screeningsfor critics, film buyers and friends of the folks that made it.Look in the Yellow Pages under Motion Picture Studios and MotionPicture Screening Rooms. Once you get the feel of it, you'llquickly learn who shows what, where and when. They always let youin free and if not give some gull story. (See Free Entertainmentsection). If you see previews in a theater or notice a publicitybuild-up in the newspapers, the movie is being screened at one ormore of the rooms.

    Daily News-220 E. 42nd St., will answer any questions you put tothem. Well almost!General information: 883-1122Sports: 883-1133Travel: 883-1144Weather: 883-1155
For the latest news, call the wire services:
    AP is PL 7-1312, UPI isMU 2-0400.
The New York Times Research Bureau, 229 W. 43rd St., 556-1651, willresearch news questions that pertain to the past three months.Liberation News Service at 160 Claremont Ave., will give youup-to-the-minute coverage of radical news. Call 749-2200.UNDERGROUND PAPERS
    East Village Other-20 E. 12th St., 255-2130Liberation-339 Lafayette St., 674-0050Other Scenes-Box 8, Village Station, 242-3888Rat-241 E. 14th St., 228-4460Win-339 Lafayette St., 674-0050For others, call Underground Press Syndicate, Box 26, Village Station,691-6073
    Dial-A-Beating-911Dial-a-Demonstration 924-6315Dial-a-Satellite-TR 3-0404Time-NERVOUSWeather-WE 6-1212.The Switchboard-989-0720, at the Alternate U, is open 6 PM to 3 AM.

The first thing to do is get familiar with the geography ofstops you use most frequently. Locate the token cage. Check to seewhether the exits are within easy view of the teller, off to theside, or blocked from view by concrete pole-supporters. Next learnthe type of turnstile in use. Follow the hints laid down in theFree Transportation section.

The rush hours are always the easiest times. Just go throughthe exits as people push open the door. Also at crowded hours,people go single file past the turnstiles, one after another in asteady stream. Get in line and go under. The people will block youfrom view and won't do anything. Even a cop won't give you muchhassle. Some subway stations have concrete supports that block theteller's view. Where these exist, slip through the exit nearest thepole or slide by the turnstile.

Turnstile jumping is such a skill, it's going to be added tothe Olympics. There are three basic styles common to New York andmost cities and each needs a slightly different approach.

The Old Wooden Cranker-(Traditional) You have to go under orsail over this type. Going under is a smoother trip. Going over istrickier since you need both hands free to hurdle and it's aquicker, more noticeable motion.

New-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstiles-Which-Turn-Both-Ways-For-Exit-an d-Entrance-Approach it with confidence. Pretend you're putting in atoken with your right hand and pull the bar toward you one third ofthe way with your left hand. Go through the space left between thebars and the barrier. Not for heavyweights!

New-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstiles-Which-Can-Be-Used-Only-For-Entra nce-They won't pull towards you, and so, youmust go either under or over them.

NOTE: There is no way to tell aNew-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstile-Which-Turns-Both--Ways-For-Exit- and-Entrance from a New-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstile-Which-Can-Be-Used-Only-For-Entran ce unless there is a sign. You have totry it first. Therefore, it is important to remember which kind isin use at your local station so your technique will be smooth. Onceyou're through, remember in your mind you've paid. Ignore everybodywho tries to stop you or tell you different. If someone shouts justkeep on truckin' on toward your track. Don't stop or run. Insistyou are right if you ever get caught. We have been doing it foryears, got caught twice and let go both tunes when other passengersinsisted we paid. Everybody hates the subways, even the tellers.

FREEBIESClothing Repairs

All Wallach stores feature a service that includes sewing onbuttons, free shoe horns, and shoe laces, mending pants pockets andlinings, punching extra holes in belts, and a number of other freeservices.


By far the best place to get free furniture in New York is onthe street. Once a week in every district, the SanitationDepartment makes bulk pick-ups. The night before, residents put outall kinds of stuff on the street. For the best selection try theWest Village on Monday nights, and the East Seventies on Tuesdaynights. On Wednesday night there are fantastic pick-ups on 35th of Macy's. Move quickly though, the guards get pissed offeasily; the truckers couldn't care less. This street method canfurnish your whole pad. Beds, desks, bureaus, lamps, bookcases,chairs, and tables. It's all a matter of transportation. If youdon't have access to a car or truck, it's worth it to rent astation wagon and make pick-ups.


If you would like to meet a real ghost, write Hans Holtzer,c/o New York Committee for Investigation for Paranormal Research,140 Riverside Drive, New York, NY. He'll put you in touch for free.

Free Lessons

Lessons in a variety of skills such as plumbing, electricity,jewelry-making, construction and woodworking are provided by theMechanics Institute, 20 W. 44th St. Call or write them well inadvance for a schedule. You must sign up early for lessons as theytry to maintain small courses. MU 7-4279.


are free. Are you a poem or are you a prose?

Liberated Churches
    Saint Mark's in the Bowery, Second Ave. and 10th ST. (674-6377Washington Square Methodist Church, 133 W. Fourth St.,Greenwich Village (777-2528); Judson Memorial Church, WashingtonSquare South (725-9211).

At about 9:30 AM, free flowers in the Flower District on SixthAve. between 22nd St. and 23rd St. Once in a while, you can find apotted tree that's been thrown out because it's slightly damaged.

The Staten Island Ferry-Not free, but a nickel each way for afive mile ocean voyage around the southern tip of Manhattan isworth it. Take IRT (Broadway line) to South Ferry, local only.Ferry leaves every half-hour day and night.


In the area along Central Park West in the Seventies andEighties are located many doctor's offices. Daily they throw outpiles of drug samples. If you know what you're looking for, searchthis area.


You can always use the library. The main branch is on FifthAve. and 42nd St. The Public Library prints a leaflet entitled"It's Your Library" which lists all the 168 branches and specialservices the library provides. You can pick it up at your nearestbranch. They also publish a calendar of events every two weekswhich is available free. If you have any questions call 791-6161.

You can get free posters, literature and books from thevarious missions to the United Nations located on the East Sidenear the UN Building. The Cuban Mission, 67th St., will give youfree copies of Granma, the Cuban newspaper, Man and Socialism inCuba, by Che Guevara and other literature.


A free subway map is available at any token booth. Good ifyou're new in the city and don't know your way around.


ASPCA, 441 E. 92nd St. and York Ave., TR 6-7700. Dogs, cats,some birds and other pets. Tell them you're from out of town if youwant a dog and you will not have to pay the $5.00 license fee. Havethem inspect and inoculate the pet; which they do free of charge. Aplace to look for free pets is in the Village Voice under theircolumn Free Pets.

Radio Free New York

WBAI FM, 99.5 on your dial. 30 E. 39th St. (OX 7-8506).

Free Schools
    Alternative University, 69 W. 14th St. (989-0666). A goodradical school offering courses in karate, Mao, medical skills andother courses. They will send you a catalogue listing currentcourses.Bottega Artists Workshop, 1115 Quentin Road, Brooklyn,336-3212 has art taught by professionals for a free.
    Contact-220 E. Seventh St. Open 3 to 10 PM. Raps, contacts, mailingaddresses, counseling, sometimes food.Traveler's Aid-204 E. 39th St. MU 4-5029Village Project-88 Second Ave. Open 2 to 6 PM. Same as Contact.

fuck chicago


Contrary to rumors, none of us have ever been to Chicago.None-the-less, we have some friends who have visited the area. InChicago, everyone 17 or under must be off the streets by 10:30 PMand by 11:30 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. Don't sleep in LincolnPark during political conventions, but other nights it's O.K.Wasn't it Hillel who asked, "Why is this night different from allother nights?" And wasn't it Mayor Richard J. Daley who responded,"Cause I say get your ass out of the park!"

The Chicago Seed (929-0133) will give you the best advice oncrashing and the local heat scene. Grace Lutheran Church, 555 W.Beldon St., and the Looking Glass at 1725 W. Wilson also havecrashing places or know where you can find free room and board.

You won't get hassled if you sack out in the Union Station onAdams Street just over the bridge. There are loads of folkscrashing in abandoned buildings along LaSalle and other streets.Also the rooftops are cool. Stay off the streets though, unlessyou've got good identification.


SCLC (Operation Breadbasket) has a free breakfast programevery morning Monday through Friday from 7-10 AM at St. AnnaChurch, 55th St. and LaSalle St., and also at Christ the KingLutheran Church located at 3700 Lake Park.

You can get free samples of cheese, meat, and coffee everydayat the Stop and Shop food store located on Washington betweenDearborn and State Streets. At the Treasure Island grocery storelocated on Broadway, two blocks north of Belmont, free coffee andcookies are offered for the people. Halloway House at 27 W.Randolph gives coupons good for coffee. Also at the Guild Bookstoreat 25 W. Jackson Blvd., and from the machines at the 4th through14th floors of the Playboy Building.

There are real cheap restaurants. One is a truck-stop inSkokie called Karl's Cafe. It's just north of Oakton on SkokieHighway. It's open until 6:00. You get a whole lot of food for$1.00. Also, under the viaduct at Milwaukee and Damen is a smallrestaurant with Polish food. You can get a great meal for $1.35.It's worth a visit. It closes early in the evening. Another cheaprestaurant is Paul and Ernie's on North Lincoln, just south ofWrightwood. You can have a beef dinner for about 70 cents.

A good place to pick up free vegetables and fruits is at thewholesale market on Randolph St. or S. Water St. on Fridayafternoons. Many of the food factories such as Kraft Dairy Productsgive away free samples and cases for "charity." Check them out.

It is possible to steal food from the 2nd floor FederalBuilding Cafeteria at Adams and Dearborn and the National Cafeteriaat Clark and Van Buren. These cafeterias usually have long linesand you can eat while standing and just pay for the coffee.

If you have a place to cook and store food, there are a fewplaces that have pretty cheap food. The east gate of InternationalHarvester, located at 1015 W. 120th St. is unbelievable. Dig thesebargains! 10 pounds of T-bone steaks (boxed) for $5.25 at 4 PM, the produce man brings a different combination of goods. Atypical bill of fare might include tomatoes, cucumbers,strawberries, etc. at $1.00 for 10 pounds of any item. The producemight vary from day to day, but the prices stay the same. OnThursdays at noon and 4 PM, the Lennell cookie man comes around.It's $1.25 per box. At 7 PM, the sausage man arrives and thestandard price is $2.00. The standard size is 3 to 5 pounds. He hassalami, liver sausage, polish sausage, and usually odd lunchmeatsuch as bologna or summer sausage. All the food is sold out oftrucks, and the prices might not be exact, but they're prettyclose.

Eggs are about 3 dozen for $2.00 on Randolph west of Halsted.Orange juice is pretty cheap at the Del Farm on Broadway. WonderBread thrift store on Diversey; Butternut, 87th St. and Ridgelandand 1471 W. Wilson, and Silvercup, 55th and Federal, offer breadand rolls at big discounts. The Cicero Bottling Company at 31st St.and 48 Court sell a case of 12 quart bottles for $2.00. MamasCookies, 7400 S. Kastner give 5 pounds for $1.50. At Burhops, Stateand Grand, you can get cheap 5-pound boxes of steak. The RailroadSalvage around Madison and Halsted has dented cans (with stuffinside) for big discounts. It is also a good place for paperproducts. Campbell Soup, 2250 W. 55th St., open Tuesday andThursday, will give you cases free or at discounts if you tell themit's for charity or look straight. Two good spots for all aroundshopping are the Hi-Lo on Lincoln, north of Irving. There's lots ofstuff for 10 cents. Marathon Products at Randolph and Halsted isanother good place.

If you can survive on just one meal a day, you're set. Thecity has just opened 14 free lunch centers throughout the town.They are located at:

    Antgeld Urban Progress Center-967 E. 132nd St.Area II Multi-Service Center of DHR-1500 N. North ParkDivision Street Urban Progress Center-1940 W. DivisionDHR Woodlawn District Office-6317 S. MarylandEnglewood District Office of DHR-6003 S. HalstedGarfeld Neighborhood Service Program-9 S. KedzieHalsted Urban Progress Center-1935 S. HalstedLawndale Urban Progress Center-3818 W. RooseveltMadden Park Fieldhouse-500 E. 37th St.Martin Luther King Urban Progress Center-4741 S. King DriveMontrose Urban Progress Center-901 W. MontroseNorth Kenwood CCUO Office-4155 S. Lake ParkSouth Chicago Urban Progress Center-9231 S. HoustonSouthern District DHR Office-2108 E. 71st St.

The free hot meals consist of meat, potatoes, a vegetable,dessert, fruit, and coffee or milk. You have to give them a nameand an address.


All three major universities have excellent clinics that domost kinds of medical work for free. The University of Chicagomaintains a clinic at 950 E. 59th St. The University of Illinoishas one located at 840 S. Wood. In addition to good medical care,Northwestern University Clinic offers very cheap dental treatment.The clinic is at 303 E. Chicago. Call the main switchboard of theschools and ask for the clinics to check out services and hours.

A V.D. clinic is open every weekday and late on Wednesdays at27 E. 26th St. and N. North Park. Chronic diseases are treated at2974 N. Clybourn. Free chest X-rays are available at City Halldowntown, everyday. For mental health problems, try the clinic at1900 N. Sedgwick (642-3531).

Drug education is offered by Earth Mother on Wednesdays at theGrace Church, 555 W. Belden. Information and help with bad tripscan be obtained through Just Us, 61 N. Parkside (378-7618) or LSDRescue Service, 7717 N. Sheridan (338-6750). Chicago has a numberof good clinics maintained by movement and community groups spreadthroughout the city for the people that live in the area. The BlackPanther Party runs the Spurgeon "Jake" Winters Free People's Clinicat 3850 W. 16th St. (522-3220).

The Young Patriots Uptown Health Service located at 4408 N.Sheridan (334-8957) serves the people in that community. The YoungLords maintain the Dr. E. Betances Free People's Health Center atPeoples Church, 834 W. Armitage (549-8505). The Latin AmericanDefense Organization has a clinic on 2353 W. North Avenue,(276-0900). The growing Student Health Organization administers anumber of small clinics in various communities. Call them at493-2741 or drop into their office at 1613 E. 53rd St. At the HolyCovenant Church, on Wilton and Diversey, you can get medicalassistance at the Free People's Clinic as well as help with legal,housing, family planning and nutrition problems. Call 348-6842. Allthese clinics provide a variety of services and operate ondifferent schedules. Call them first to be sure they are open.


Chicago has a number of good law schools and you can often getsome assistance or referral by calling them and speaking to theeditor of the law school paper. You can go to the bathroom for freein the Julius J. Hoffman Room at Northwestern University LawSchool.

The Law Student Commune, 357 E. Chicago, 649-8462, is a groupof young radical lawyers and law students trying to bring legalassistance into the streets. The People's Law Office 2156 N.Halsted, 929-1880 operates the same way. For community problems,call the Lincoln Park Rights Center, 525-9775, or the CommunityLegal Counsel, 726-0157. The ACLU maintains a large chapter inChicago at 6 S. Clark, 236-5564, and handles cases where civilliberties are affected.

    American Friends Service Committee - 407 S. Dearborn St. 427-2533Austin Draft Counseling Center - 5903 Fulton 626-9385Chicago Area Draft Resisters (Cadre) - 519 W. North Ave. 664-6895Chicago Circle Draft Information OrganizationUniversity of Illinois, 317 Chicago Circle Center 663-2557Hyde Park Draft Information Center - Quaker House, 5615 S. WoodlawnAve. 363-1248Kennedy King Draft Counseling Center - 7047 S. Stewart - 488-0900,ext. 36Lawndale Draft Counseling - 4049 W. 28th St. 277-3140Loyola Draft Counseling Center 6525 N. Sheridan, 274-3000 ext. 378Mandel Legal Aid Clinic - 6020 S. University Ave. 324-5181Ravenswood Draft Counseling - Barry Memorial Methodist Church, 4754N. Leavitt 784-3272Roosevelt Selective Service Counseling Organization - RooseveltUniversity Student Senate Office, Rm. 204, 430 S. Michigan Ave.922-3580 ext. 334South Side Draft Information (Mt. Carmel Book Dist.) 2355 W. 63rdSt. 925-3686Uptown Hull House Draft Information Service - 4520 N. Beacon St.561-8033Wellington Avenue Congregational Church Draft Counseling Center -615 W. Wellington Ave. 935-0642.

Lincoln Park stretches along Lake Michigan in the Northernsection of the city. It has a Conservatory and Zoo, opened 9 AM to5 PM. Just south of the zoo is the gathering place for free rockconcerts, be-ins, and the like. There is also a zoo in theBrookfield section at 8400 W. 31st St. The Morton Arboretiumlocated on Route 53 in Lisle is open every day till sunset. TheShedd Aquarium is located at 1200 South Lake Shore Drive atRoosevelt.


The Auditorium and Opera House sometimes offers free concertson Sunday and weeknights. Hang around the lobby and claim there aretickets in your name at the box office. Even if it's a pay concertyou can generally bluff your way inside. The Center for New Music,2263 N. Lincoln, usually has free concerts on Sunday and Monday at8 PM. WGLD is the local underground station. The Universal LifeChurch Coffee House, 1049 W. Polk has free rock and folk music onthe weekends. Free City Music sponsors free rock concerts duringthe spring and summer in Lincoln Park.

    The Art Institute - Adams and Michigan. Opens daily at 10 AM. Greatart museum.Chicago Academy of Science-Lincoln Park at 2001 N. Clark.(LI 9-0606) Open daily from 10 AM to 5 PM.Field Museum of Natural History-Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive.Time of opening varies from day to day; call 922-9410. Thursday,Saturday and Sunday admission is free.Museum of Contemporary Art-237 E. Ontario (943-7755) Open daily.Museum of Science and Industry-57th St. in the Hyde Park area.(MU 4-1414) Open daily from 9 AM to 5 PM. Our all-time favoritemuseum.The Oriental Institute-University of Chicago campus, 1155 E. 58thSt. (643-0800) Open daily, except Monday, from 10AM to 5 PM.

The Other Door Coffee House, 3124 N. Broadway, featuresnightly poetry readings and music. Call 348-8552. Cafe Pergolesi,3404 N. Halsted, features poetry readings, baroque music and an artgallery. There is no cover or minimum. Open 6 to 12 PM, and till1:00 AM on Saturday.


The Playhouse North, 315 W. North Ave. features free theater.For $1.00, you can see various groups perform at the Harper TheaterCoffee House at 5238 S. Harper. Second City, l616 N. Wells, hasfree improvisations after their evening performances every eveningexcept Fridays. Free children's theater can be seen at La Dolores,1980 North Orchard, Mondays and Wednesdays at 1 PM. Call 664-2352.

    The Biograph Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Ave. shows double billsfor $1.25 and has a penny candy counter. John Dillinger gotambushed when he left the place. Free Newsreel films can be seenWednesdays at 8 PM at the Neighborhood Commons, Wisconsin andFreemart. Newsreel, 2744 N. Lincoln (248-2018) provides movementfilms for free or law cost to groups.Alice's Revisited, 950 N. Wrightwood, is a restaurant thatshows free movies. On Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM they have freefolk-rock-blues music. Saturdays they also have free children'stheater. Tuesdays they have psychodrama, also for free. Call528-4250 for more info.
    The Switchboard number is 281-7197.
Underground Papers
    Rising Up Angry - 2261 N. Lincoln 472-1791Second City - 2120 N. Halsted 549-8760The Chicago Seed - 950 W. Wrightwood 929-0133

The Seed features a column called "Making It," which dealswith survival in the Windy City. It is probably the best of itstype in the country.

The Black Panther Party office is located at 2350 W. Madison(243-8276).

    Agitprop - no office; phone 929-0133Chicago Print Co-op. - 6710 N. ClarkJ. S. Jordan Memorial Printing Co-op. - 6710 N. ClarkOmega Posters - 711 S. DearbornRed Star Press - 180 N. Wacher

The People's School, 4409 N. Sheridan (561-6737), offers freecourses in many areas of survival and radical politics. The WhitePanther Party, 787-1962, offers courses in street fighting, historyof American radicalism, and dialectic sexism.


The Concerned Citizens Survival Front, 2512 N. Lincoln Ave.has clothes. Try the dry cleaners on Armitage east of Halsted alongthe south side of the street. They give away unclaimed stuff. AlsoBrazil Cleaners at 3943 Indiana. The Eugene Blue Jean Store at 7017Paulina has jeans, old army shirts and other items for less than adollar.


The Lake Shore Drive area on collection days has furniture.Call the bureau of Streets and Sanitation for a collectionschedule.

Free Store

At 727 S. Laflin, you'll find a genuine free store that givesaway everything you can imagine. It has a tendency to be a floatingfree store though.


Pick up some underground papers at any of the offices listedand hawk them on the streets. You can pull in $6-$10 an hour if youwork at it.

fuck los angeles


There are several crash pads and communes that will put you upfor a few nights. Call the Free Clinic at 938-9141. Floor space isavailable at the Sans Souce Temple on S. Ardmore. Women's EmergencyLodge at 912 W. 9th St. (627-5571) will put up women without aplace to stay or make referrals. Resistance (386-9645) and GreenPower (HQ 9-5184) will be helpful if you have to crash. Sleeping onthe beaches is out, but the roofs are cool. The Midnite Mission at396 S. Los Angeles (624-9258) has room and board for some boarders.The parks and streets are certain bust material. The L.A. pigs arematched in brutality only by their fellow hoggers in Chicago andSouth Africa. Every L.A. cop is nine feet of solid chrome. Bite histoes and down he goes.


Green Power Feeds Millions is a unique organization servingthe nets of people. They provide food for festivals, cancers,demonstrations, be-ins, sit-ins and similar events for free. Inaddition they supply a number of communes and serve food everySunday in Griffith Park, the central get-together spot in LosAngeles. Call them at HO 9-5184 or 938-9141 for information andalso to offer your help.

Free vegetarian lunch can be found at the W. HollywoodPresbyterian Church at Sunset and Martel (874-1816). For supper,try the Midnite Mission, 396 S. Los Angeles Street; God Squas, 1412N. Crescent Heights Blvd. (near Sunset), and His Place, Sunset andLa Cienega.

The Half-Price Bakery at Third and Hill St. gives away freebakery goods late at night and you can always bum a meal in anyClifton's Cafeteria with a good story.

The Watts Trojan House is a free store that provides not onlyfood, both clothing and a variety of other items and service. Theyare located at 1822 E. 103rd St. The County Welfare Department at2707 S. Grand (near Adams Street) has a liberal food stamp program(746-0522).

    The Free Clinic at 115 N. Fairfax Ave. (938-9141) is verypopular and provides a number of services at various hours such as:Job Co-ops--Monday thru Friday, 10:00-4:00 PM.Medical--Monday thru Friday, 5:30-l0:00 PM. Saturday 12:30-5:00 PM.Dental--Monday thru Thursday, 7-10 PM.Counseling-Psychiatric, Monday thru Friday, 6-10 PM.Legal Monday thru Friday, 7-10 PMDraft-Monday thru Thursday, 7:30-10:00 PM.Pregnancy and Abortion--Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 7:30. Saturday1:30 PMBirth Control-Monday thru Friday, 6-7 PM. Saturday 2-3 PM.
The Foothill Clinic, 547 E. Union in Pasadena (795-8088)offers similar services free of charge. Call them for a schedule ofhours. Venereal Diseases are treated in the evenings at a clinicmaintained by the Committee to Eradicate Syphillis. They are foundat 5205 Melrose Ave., Hollywood (870-2524).In Venice use the free Youth Clinic at 905 Venice Blvd. (nearLincoln). The services are varied and they are only open evenings.Call 399-7743 and they'll help you.For specialized problems try:
    Drugs--Narcotics Anonymous (463-3123)Abortion-The Woman's Center, 1027 S. Crenshaw (near Olympic Blvd.)Wednesdays at 7:30 PM.Mental--Central City Community Mental Health Center, 4272 S.Broadway (232-2441)Suicide Prevention Center, 2521 W. Pico(381-5111)
District Health Centers provide many free services. For exactinformation, call the center or write to:
    County of Los AngelesHealth Department, Public Health Education Division, 220 N.Broadway, Los Angeles, California 90012. Ask for a list andinformation about their health services.EAST LOS ANGELES-670 S. Ferris Ave. 261-3191.SUBCENTER--MARAVILLA - 915 N. Bonnie Beach Pl. 264-6910.HOLLYWOOD-WILSHIRE-5202 Melrose Ave. 464-0121.SUBCENTER-WEST HOLLYWOOD-621 N. San Vincente Blvd. 652-3090.NORTH HOLLYWOOD-5300 Tujunga Ave. 766-3981.SUBCENTERS-PACOIMA--13300 Van Nuys Blvd. 899-0231.TUJUNGA--7747 Foothill Blvd. 352-1417.SOUTH-1522 E. 102 St. 564-6801SUBCENTER--FLORENCE-Firestone-8019 Compton Ave 583-6241.SOUTHEAST - 4920 Avalon Blvd. 231-2161.SOUTHWEST - 3834 S.Western Ave. 731-8541.
    The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles at 106 3rd St.(628-9126) provides help in civil matters.The ACLU of Southern California is located at 323 W. Fifth St.(MA 6-5156).
    AFSC - 980 N. Fair Oaks, Pasadena 91103 (791-1978)Black Community Draft Assistance-7228 S. Broadway, LA 90003(778-0710)Catholic Peace Assn.--911 Malcolm Ave., Westwood 90024 (474-2683)Counterdraft-PO Box 74881, LA 90004East LA Peace Center-409 N. Soto, LA 90033 (261-2047)Episcopal Draft Counseling Center-514 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90004(748-4662)Fellowship for Reconciliation 4356½ Melrose, LA 90029 (666-0145)First Unitarian Church-2936 W. Eighth St., LA 90005 (389-1356)Free Clinic-115 N. Fairfax, LA 90036 (938-9141)L.A. Comm. for Defense of Bill of Rights-(MA 5-2169)L.A. Draft Help-1018 S. Hill St., LA (RI 7-5461)Myra House-191 N. Sunkist, West Covina (338-9636)Northeast Peace Center-5682 York Blvd., LA 90042 (257-2004)Peace House-724 Morengo, Pasadena 91103 (449-8228)Resistance-507 N. Hoover, LA 90004The Resistance-11317 Santa Monica Blvd., Westwood 90024 (478-2374)SFVSC-Student Service Center, Admissions and Records Office,San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge (349-1200, ext. 1181)UCLA Draft Counseling Center--UCLA Law School, 405 Hilgard Ave., LA90024 (746-6092)USC Counseling Center-Gould Law School, University Park, StudentUnion Bldg., Rm. 217 (746-6092)Valley Peace Center-7105 Hayvenhurst, Van Nuys 91406 (787-6925).Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.Venice Draft Info Center--73 Market St., Venice 90291 (399-5812)War Resisters League-1046 N. Sweetzer, LA 90069 (654-4491)Westside Jewish Community Center-5870 W. Olympic Blvd., LA 90046(938-2531)Women Strike for Peace-5899 W. Pico Blvd., LA 90019 (937-0236)

Los Angeles has 14 miles of beaches extending from north ofPacific Palisades to Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro.

Will Rogers Beach State Park, 15100 Pacific Coast Highway, PacificPalisades, extends north three miles from the Santa Monica citylimits to a point near Topanga Canyon. This beach has a large,popular surfing area.

Venice Beach, 2100 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, extends from theSanta Monica city limits south to Marina Del Rey. Six acres havebeen developed into a park with picnic areas, shuffleboard courtsand the Venice Beach Pavilion. The huge Venice Fishing Pier islocated here, and there is an area for surfing.

Isidore B. Dockweiler Beach State Park, 11401 Vista del Mar Ave.extends from Marina del Ray, south of the city of El Segundo. Thisbeach has 700 fire pits and a surfing area.

Cabrillo Beach, 3720 Stephen White Drive, San Pedro, located at thenorthern end of Los Angeles Harbor, has picnic areas, fire pits anda section for surfing.

Royal Palms Beach, 1799 Paseo del Mar is equipped with picnic areasand fire pits.


Griffith Park is the largest park and the favorite gathering spotof the local hip community. It's next to the Ventura and StateFreeways.

Arroyo Seco Park is located along the Arroyo Seco and has picnic,recreational and bowling-on-the-green facilities. You'll also findthe Los Angeles Zoo at 5333 Zoo Drive in the park.

Brand Park and Memory Garden opposite the old Mission San Fernandois a real strange place to go.

Echo Park has the largest artificial lake in Los Angeles. Fishingprograms for kids are conducted each summer and electric boats areavailable for rent.

Hancock Park, located on Wilshire Blvd, between Odgen and Curson,has the LaBrea Tar Pits with prehistoric animal and plant fossilsall over the place.

The Exposition Park Rose Garden on Exposition Blvd. is a seven-acresunken rose garden that smells great.

Founded by Hubert Eaton as "the first step up to heaven," ForestLawn Memorial Park, overlooking beautiful downtown Glendale has tobe the wildest spot around. It is pure L.A. with the largestcollection of reproduced statuary in the world. Jean Harlow, Sabu,Clark Gable and other loved ones are tucked away here. You can turnon in front of the Jean Hersholt Memorial, fuck in the Aisle ofBenevolence located in the Great Mausoleum, and trip out on astereo sermon emanating from the giant Mystery of Life sculpture.Far-fucking out!


There are over fifty free museums in the greater Los Angelesarea. We are listing those of special interest.

California Museum of Science and Industry-Exposition Park,749-0101.

Hollywood Wax Museum-6767 Hollywood Blvd. (near Grauman's ChineseTheater).

Los Angeles County Museum of Art-5905 Wilshire Blvd. in HancockPark, 937-2590.


Every Sunday there are free music concerts in Griffith Park.MoviesU.C.L.A. has a free experimental film series every year. Callthem at 825-4321 for a schedule.


The Switchboard in Los Angeles has a 24-hour-a-day servicecalled the Hot Line. It's located at 4650 Sunset Blvd. (663-1015).Call them for the latest in what's going down in the area. TheL.A. Free Press at 7813 Beverly Blvd. 937-1970, is always a goodsource of information. The Black Panther Party Headquarters can befound at 4115 S. Central Ave., 235-4127, or at 9818 Anzac, inWatts, 567-8027. The Traveler's Aid Society has offices in theGreyhound Bus Terminal and International Airport. They provide allkinds of services and information to lost souls or visitors.Generally


The following spots offer clothes,furniture and otherhousehold items at low prices:

Goodwill Industries-235 So. Broadway 228-1748; 5208 Whittier264-1638

St. Vincent de Paul Society-727 N. Broadway 627-8147; 210 SanFernando Rd. 221-6151

The Volunteers of America maintain a number of thrift storesthroughout the area. Try 8609 S. Broadway or call 750-9251 for thestore near you.

The Salvation Army also has a chain of stores. The main store is at801 E. 7th St. 620-1270. They can help you there or let you knowwhere you can shop in your area.


You can sell a pint of blood for $10.00 at the Red Cross BloodBank, 1200 S. Vermont (384-5261).


All sorts of free pets are available at the ASPCA, 5026, W.Jefferson (731-2491).


Los Angeles has a curfew law but you can get a suitable I.D.with photo for $3.50 at Twelfth and Hill Streets.

fuck san francisco


The nights are chilly in San Francisco but there are placesthat offer a free night's lodging. To avoid overcrowding they tendto employ a ticket system. By showing up in the late afternoon, youare generally assured a place to stay that night. The followingplaces work it this way:

    Brother Juniper's Inn--1736 Haight, tickets on a first-come,first-serve basis.Holy Order of Man--937 Fillmore, no tickets.Hospitality House--148 Leavenworth, for people under 18, generallyfilled.Pinehurst Emergency Lodge--2685 30th Ave., for unwed mothers andwomen with children.St. Mary's Church--660 California, tickets at 6:00 PM.St. Patrick's Church--756 Mission, tickets at 6:00 PMSt. Vincent De Paul--235 Minna, tickets at 4:00 PM for single menonly.Salvation Army Harbor Light--290 Fourth St., no tickets.

Traveler's Aid, 38 Mason, 771-0880, will assist in findingtemporary shelter. Young runaways will find it cool to try AllSaint's Church, 1350 Walker (863-9718) for both room and board.Also Huckleberry's for Runaways, 1347 7th Ave. (731-3921) willprovide these and other services such as counseling.

If you're going to settle for a while in San Francisco, youmight have difficulty finding an apartment to rent. Try the FederalHousing Information Center, 100 California (556-5900). Theymaintain a free listing.

The Community Design Center, 215 Haight (863-3718) providesfree advice on architectural and design of pads inside and out onceyou locate a place, speaking, you can find a Traveler's Aid Stationin every place that large numbers of travelers can be found.

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