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by Masturnate3123
001. What is Your Name? Johnny
002. How old are you? 26
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
004. Who the hell are you? KING OF YOUR WORLD
005. Was your birth planned? I think so
006. Boxers, Briefs, or Commando? boxers
007. Is a turtle without a shell naked or homeless? both
008. As a former egg, do you oppose abstinence? yes
009. Approximately when was the last time you farted? right now
010. Have you ever peed in the shower? haven't you
011. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 5
012. What does your name mean? who I am
013. What are you wearing? clothes!!!
014. Who does President Bush remind you of? opposite of a president
015. If the creator of this survey asked you to have sex, would your answer be the same as your answer to this question? huhhh???
016. Did it hurt? (falling from heaven) I didn't fall...I jumped
017. What's your sign? STOP!!! Girls crossing
018. Are they real? If I had them, they wouldn't be
019. Do you have any STD's? Thank God..NO
020. How much road kill have you seen in the last 54 days? 1 2many
021. Why are you filling out this survey? just 4 the hell of it
022. Are you attracted to its author? Doubt it
023. Did you know gay men refer to herpes as speed-bumps? how would u know
024. Are you free tonight or will it cost me? it would cost u all da money in da world n then sum
025. Do you see any similarities between a 6' white grandpa and a 2' brown quail? ????????
026. Do you think Katrina blows as good as they say? good enough 4 me 2 sink a city
027. Do cowboy butts drive you nuts? never seen 'm never want 2 see 'em
028. What is the cruelest thing you've done to a pet? take him in
029. Best prank you've pulled?
030. Are humans the only species you're sexually attracted to? YES-the female species
031. List all body parts you shave
032. What's your social security number? $$$-$$-$$$$
033. How much do you weigh? 160
034. How many dildos do you own?
035. How often do you have colonscopies done?
036. Do you enjoy prison showers? DO YOU????
037. What's your religion? Christian
038. Have you seen Brokeback Mountain? No
039. How old are you? 26
040. Relationship status? single
041. Employment status? employed
042. Education status? educated
043. Health status? healthy
044. Financial status? got but always need...who doesn't
045. Top 3 priorities in your life? my son, my self , my son
046. Do you smoke (anything)? duhhh...
047. Have you ever in the past? have you?
048. I'm a necrophiliac, how good are you at playing dead?
049. Wanna get drunk and vomit all over each other? illll
050. Have you seen Pee Wee Herman in the theatre lately? yeah- last night
051. Could you help me go potty? nooooooo
052. If the police arrest a mime, do they still tell him he has the right to remain silent? .....
053. If I told you I didn't like your outfit, would you take it off? 4 u... why not
054. If I told you Big Foot turned me on, would you bathe in Rogaine? LMAO
055. If I were a booger, would you pick me first? you'd be the first one out
056. If I told you I like pussy, would you cook me some cat meat?
057. If you were on a bus full of naked, gay men would you stay on or get off? neither
058. Do you know how to use a whip? yes
059. How many minutes of your time has this survey wasted? 2 f-ckin many
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