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But You have heard of Me ....

About Me

Once Upon A Time...
I was born on the 16th January, In a little place called Wallington, in the County of Surrey...on this Great little Isle, called the United Kingdom!
Being a typical Capricorn..I no doubt added to My poor Mothers grey hairs!! As a wee goatee, I was old beyond my years, but Im hoping to grow younger and age more disgracefully as I get older!!
I am stubborn, to the point, down to earth..and I would say that what you see is what you get..however...on that one...I think I may add, you can also say...I can be full of suprises!!
No matter the height of the mountain ahead of me, nor how many times I may fall on the way up, I always grit my teeth and keep climbing. I will never give up that easily!However...should I have no choice, I will have had to be beaten badly, before I surrender!!!
What can I say...Im Horny and Im Proud!
My Loved ones mean everything to Me..For My Family I will move Heaven and Hell. For My Friends, I am there for them, no matter what, no matter when, or what the time is.
Loyalty means eveything to me, for without Trust..what do you have?
I love to cook, create and explore. Music..Movies.. Dancing & History are passions. I love the Alternative and the Traditional, the unexplained, and the paranormal.
Have been know to undertake the odd Paranormal Ghost Busting & I have a deep love and appreciation of the Wiccan ways!
There are things I would love to do, however through my life, I have been restricted by Ill health, and although I try not to let it get to me, there are times, that I have to give in to it..the little Bugger!!
I enjoy New places..New people..New Ways!
There is more to life than what we have, what we are, and what we see!
I belive we are here, to learn and grow...this is a wonderful Journey we are on, and we will learn many lessons along the way. Some not so good, others life changing!
I believe that life is an adventure, try and make every day count, and never forget to tell those you love.."I love You" !!
About 19mths ago, I made a decision that changed my life in so many ways. Love with a Tall Dark & Handsome Highlander, brought me to the wondrous land called Canada..... and it was here, that He made Me his own!
Meeting Lorne, certainly changed My life...Not only do I call him Husband, but he is also my Friend, Lover, Teacher & Companion. Most importantly...He is My Soulmate!
My Husband...
In Canada, I have seen, much beauty and wonder...and at times it has left me humbled and speechless.Majestic Mountains, Wildlife, Scenery that blows your mind, plus Pure clean air...(which sometimes I found hard to breathe)...especially when you are used to the nice polluted air of London!!
In my time here, I have been lucky enough to have drank great wines, and sampled great food...and I have been blessed to have made good friends with people, that are true Kindred Spirits, and they have helped to show me, that path that I needed to be on!
By coming here, I have had the Adventure of my life, as I rediscovered who I am, what my dreams are, and discovered strengths and talents I never knew I had!!!
Merlin...Miss you Lots (96-05)
Majik..."Squidger"...Warrior Squirrel Hunter...number of catches..em 0!! My beautiful little boy!
Mischief...she is the light of my life! A sensitive "psychic" cat, who showers you with much love, affection and attention!
Mishchief, is highly intelligent, lives upto her name, and fills each day with so much fun.She is my shadow, little pal, and Familiar!
Few wee facts about "lil old me":
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5ft 9
Im Right Handed
My Heritage: English..Irish..& (gulp)...French
My weakness: Chocloate..DVDS...and far too bloody many to mention here!
My Phobias: Being Sick..heights...small spaces..the sea..being buried alive or burnt..losing those I love.
My Dislikes: Disloyalty...Ignorance...people who are cruel and get a laugh at anothers expense..animal cruelty...snobbery!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve:To be blessed with a Child of my own..Better health for myself and my loved ones
I dont smoke!
I can swear Like a bleedin trouper @#&*$#
Im a Bath Baby....I love to wallow
Having been blessed to walk down the aisle twice..that is more than enough for me!
I get bad Motion sickness!!
Never taken drugs...Its not My Bag Baby...although Me and Paracetamol, are become quite good friends! But over the years, because of bad health..have probably taken far too many! Foods I will NEVER eat: Fish..Mushrooms...Veal..Foi Gras..Liver..Offal...Runner Beans..yuck!!
I dont generally " Skinny Dip" as Me and the whales have an understanding..I stay out of their terroity..and they stay out of mine!!
Only my EARS are pierced! I have 3 Tattoos, but have a few more places Id wish to Ink. What I truly belive: What goes around comes around...Treat others as you would WANT to be treated..The truth always comes out in the end!
I can be vengeful...
Although sometimes painful, everything We go through in life, is to teach us...help us grow...and we are all, on a journey of discovery! So I guess no regrets...
Everything I have done, and experienced....has made me who I am today...and I finally like ME! Im starting to feel comfortable with who I am! I pray my journey continues...with maybe a little less pain!
Id like to Die: In my sleep..or somewhere peaceful & beautiful..with my loved ones beside me...and those that have already past...waiting for me!
My Funeral: With all the trimmings, Black horses with all the feathers, glass carriage, with Me looking bloody sexy with full slap on.
Wearing a tight lil outfit and heels (of course) and my hair just right! Although if Im 80..then er...I may have to change THAT outfit!!
....and of course there better be a damn good party afterwards!!
If Heaven excists: Id like to go sit on a cloud with my loved ones & friends, with all my cats and dogs, sipping tea and having a damn good laugh....
.....OR if in Hell:..I hope to be warming my "wee bottom" on the hells of fire..wearing a tight PVC catsuit...thigh length boots and a whip in my hand!!
Hmm...what a choice for a girl to make!!
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My Interests

My Family...

Dear Friends...

Things Id like to have seen!

The Titanic

Now she lies on the ocean, being eaten by time & the sea,I would have loved to see her in her glory!
Things I want to see!

WitchHouse - Salem

The wonders of Paris

The sphinx & Pryamids of Egypt

Oh to sample the "delights of Tampa"!!

Giants Causeway - Belfast

Acropolis,Athens - Greece

Ayers Rock - Australia

Places I loved!
Ham House - One of the most Haunted Houses in England.

Hampton Court Palace

Bodiam Castle
Pompeii & Mount Vesuvius

The Colosseum - Rome

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I'd like to meet:

All are Welcome..

Please forgive a girl her fantasies...

People I would have liked to have met!!


Anything from... Disco to Rock n Roll....Soul to Classical New Age to Rock....someone once told me, that "Music is the Soundtrack to our lives"...I couldnt agree more!!


Anything with Mr Depp in it..oh Im such a girl!!

After watching this a couple of times, I now have it firmly fixed into my brain...mind you any excuse to watch the 'devine' Captain Jack Sparrow is good..

These are some of my favourite films, that Id take to a desert island with me...thats if there was any electricity there!!



These are the shows that I never grow tired of...


My Husband...
We have been through so much in such short a time..but I have watched you grow in stength and character. Im proud of how hard, you have worked. You continue to show me that love is Unconditonal..worth fighting for, and that You never give up..NO matter how HARD the fight!
I love you very much! XXX
My Mummy!

You are my Hero, Mentor & Teacher, I would be lost without you. I hope I am half the mother you are, I was blessed to be your daughter! I love you XX
I wish we had had, more chance to spend more time together over the years. I will never forget "Sam Pig or Buttercup the cow" I love you very much. XX

You have many gifts,& have taught me some very wise ways & words..of which I wont forget! Truly, My Partner in Crime of "Snout it Out"! You always know how to make me laugh Bruv! Love you, Brew XX
My Sissy

I am so proud of you...you have been so brave! We share a very special bond as sisters & I hope we get to be those two "mad old birds" swinging in our chairs at 80! Love you Sissy XX
Nanny, Our "Tiger", such a strong & proud lady..I miss you & Our chats. Its not the same without you. Im proud to look & be like you. Miss & love you very much! XX

Proud to call you "StepDaddy"! You have given me much strength, and shown me lots of love over the years! I always look forward to the time we share! Love you "My Lover" XX
I was blessed the day we met, you came into my life and turned it around. Where would I have been without you...thank you for all your love, support, time & friendship! Love you Hun XX
Men of Fire
You are true Heros, I am in awe of you. Where would we be without you? X
Lou Lou
Taken too young, you were brave to the very end. You are an inspiration to me, I miss you very much..but your spirit,laughter, and the fun we had, remains with me! Love you XX

My Blog

My N.D.E

They say its therapy to write about stuff that is locked inside you...and one of the hardest things I find difficult to write about, is my fears...and believe me I have a few! A fear of being sick...o...
Posted by Wendy on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 02:41:00 PST

Prayers for My Sister Penny

Last Wednesday, my sister Penny had a little baby girl Emily, by C Section...the little one arrived safely and is beautiful! This is my sisters 4th and last child..she was a surprise baby! My sister w...
Posted by Wendy on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:44:00 PST

My feet hurt ...but coming home for christmas!!

My god where has the year gone? It doesnt seem five mins ago, that it was easter...summer or halloween!! My life is so bloody crazy....and god, has this year been a rollercoaster! One, that at times,...
Posted by Wendy on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:11:00 PST

The Internet!

The internet is an amazing thing, it can give you information, pay your bills, you can meet old friends, book a holiday..and so on and so on...BUT ....it can also break your heart and destroy your lif...
Posted by Wendy on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:19:00 PST

Friday night, tea, chocolate and Soul Mates!

After spending a dreary friday evening in...my best friend and I got down to a very serious Girl Talk! We drank tea...eat chocolate....and spoke about many things, but soon got down to the e...
Posted by Wendy on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:42:00 PST

An ode to all those, whose hearts arent true!

Why do we give, our most sacred part of ourselves...Our Heart, to someone... who does not deserve them? Love is that Enigma...the one, that we never give up on, and the one we never stop looking ...
Posted by Wendy on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:19:00 PST