Howdy, sup my honkey's. This is Martin in the house. Erm what to say really. I'm about 6"4 weighing in at 14 1/2 stone (Yes its all muscle). I enjoy Fine women and fine alcohol... or just women and alcohol (or alcohol then women). I also enjoy randomly falling ill and having large chunks taken out my brain. If your feeling sympathetic give me a call, I swear I'll call you back.How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. I ask ye?Erm, I went on Holiday last year with Mochrie and Greig, that was a good laugh, We went to a gay night in a club... that was an experience. I swear to god we didn't know! It was only when I got up close to this chick and realised that she had stubble... Ach when in Rome.I don't really know what more to write, I'm doing the School Show again this year so you better come watch it, because I'm sexual White chocolate.
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