I am surely quite mad! profile picture

I am surely quite mad!

Another day, another disaster. How, dull it's all become.

About Me

About me... isn't that kind of vague? I don't get out as much as I probably should. I'm socially awkward when meeting anyone new, but I get over it pretty quickly in most cases. I have a tendency to make myself feel at home wherever I may be (That includes occassionally laying down on an empty shelf in Target), and besides when I first meet people, it's pretty hard to make me feel uncomfortable in any situation. I'm not too fond of talking about myself. I'm really much better at being asked questions, that way I don't just go off on a tangent or end up babbling about the unimportant information that no one wants to hear (or WoW...).Sooo... Is there anything I can do for you?

My Interests

Buddhism and World of Warcraft manage to keep me interested, everything else is kind of fleeting.

I'd like to meet:

Besides Hugh Lorie? Nope, nothing's popping into my mind (Except Dr. Cuddy... naked... *drool*)


Incubus and MCR are my favorite groups by FAR, but there's a lot I listen to and can tolerate exposure to anything with the exception of hard rap, bluegrass and... *shudder* krunk...Also there's a particular artist here on myspace I rather enjoyed listening to... ^^; before a massive falling out...


Movies trhat make me think or that contain unecessarily large amounts of blood make me smile. I appreciate other things too, but for some reason very few movies pop up when I think of what I like.Here's what I cab think of at this very moment: Freddy vs Jason, And Nightmare on Elm Street movie, Akira, Kundun, Interview With the Vampire, Butterfly Effect, Fight Club, Crank, and American Beauty


I don't watch a lot of TV. I mean, it's on, but just for the noise. I glance up every now and then for the anime. Anime is a major item of interest, by the way.


Any decent manga will do, but aside from those I haven't read as much as I probably should have. School never really assigned me anything that I could get into, but that isn't to say I don't read. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel was really the only novel I picked up and read without any incentive, but novels aren't my thing...Is it strange I really life reference materials?


Lindsey & Amanda. Without these two I'd have broken down into a muttering recluse a LONG time ago.

My Blog

Today's Annoyance

You know what I've discovered annoys me SO very much? Well, you're aware that when you're on an elevator and you press the buttom to go to whatever floor, that that buttom lights up, yes? So for insta...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:04:00 PST

Thoughts on carnage...

I rarely blog, as you all know very well by now, so, in order to get things written here I'm going to fill the space with the little inane questions that come to mind in the early morning hours when n...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 01:38:00 PST

Been awhile...

X_X Been long enough without posting a single blog, although I haven't a single thing of interest to type...You know what? I'm gonna go back to my routine of procrastination and WoW. ^^ Have a nice ni...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 09:53:00 PST

^^ Life is Good, but Prom + Amanda(with spiffay hair) + Yamato's = ^_^ Yay!

^_^ This year, I  actually got to thoroughly enjoy my prom (unlike last year, if anyone read that blog). Not only  did Amanda get me to dance, she  and I also had fun making fun of vari...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Sun, 07 May 2006 01:38:00 PST

The Devil is Watching Me!

o.o The First thing I noticd when I checked my blog was the new comment. The second thing I noticed is that as of now I have a total of 666 views. ^_^ That's all. No substance or anything, just a comm...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 01:25:00 PST

The Beginning of more blogging?

   Ok, those of you who actually read my blog may have noticed that for quite a long time, it's been completely and utterly devoid of... -.o well, anything in the way of things that a blog s...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 08:21:00 PST

Home Coming

My very last one was tonight. Aside from the awkwardness I would feel when Carolyn would approach to speak with Lindsey (and thus, me as well), it was nice. Not outstanding, but nice. Then again,...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 01:30:00 PST


I read this in a bulletin lately: ________________________________________________________ This is a newsletter that St. Mary's church in Colorado Springs sent out this week:If Your Child is a Gothic,...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Prom .2 (cont.)

Ok, home now... thinking back, I suppose tonight wasn't too bad, but I uppose the fact that it's 4 am and I'm running on caffeine alone impairs my ability to write a completely well thought out overvi...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Notes and Complaints of Prom .2

*Sigh* So... this is the night of my second prom. At the moment I'm actually at the house of one of the people who rode in the same limo as me and Chelsea (funny story about that, maybe I'll type it l...
Posted by I am surely quite mad! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST