Buddhism and World of Warcraft manage to keep me interested, everything else is kind of fleeting.
Besides Hugh Lorie? Nope, nothing's popping into my mind (Except Dr. Cuddy... naked... *drool*)
Incubus and MCR are my favorite groups by FAR, but there's a lot I listen to and can tolerate exposure to anything with the exception of hard rap, bluegrass and... *shudder* krunk...Also there's a particular artist here on myspace I rather enjoyed listening to... ^^; before a massive falling out...
Movies trhat make me think or that contain unecessarily large amounts of blood make me smile. I appreciate other things too, but for some reason very few movies pop up when I think of what I like.Here's what I cab think of at this very moment: Freddy vs Jason, And Nightmare on Elm Street movie, Akira, Kundun, Interview With the Vampire, Butterfly Effect, Fight Club, Crank, and American Beauty
I don't watch a lot of TV. I mean, it's on, but just for the noise. I glance up every now and then for the anime. Anime is a major item of interest, by the way.
Any decent manga will do, but aside from those I haven't read as much as I probably should have. School never really assigned me anything that I could get into, but that isn't to say I don't read. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel was really the only novel I picked up and read without any incentive, but novels aren't my thing...Is it strange I really life reference materials?
Lindsey & Amanda. Without these two I'd have broken down into a muttering recluse a LONG time ago.