* studied graphic design in uk, graduated & came home to nicosia in 2000
* was a writer for youth/music magazine 'xtreme' for 4 years, and 'time out cyprus' for 3. did interviews, articles, photoshoot styling & handled the clubbing sections - partied every weekend!
* love discovering new music, new bands, new DJs
* what kind of music do i like? well, you can check out my small(?) list on the left, but lately i'm going mad for eighties-stylee happy-house music, with rocky twists, samples, bleeps, synths and interesting vocals
* spent some time learing to DJ myself but am too impatient to beatmatch properly (thanks for the tips though!).. therefore, until cyprus is ready for a cute-but-shambolic-throw-everything-in-there-stop-start DJ, my talents remain on the down-low
* currently salon manager at nicosia's coolest hair salon - long hours... but i am good at my job and i love it
* fashion mad, have rather worrying addiction to tshirts and shoes - running out of room to store them (and cute dresses and scarves and bags and earrings and necklaces and make up and and and...). apart from shopping for myself, i love buying & giving presents!
* magazine obsessed: Vice, Rugged, Disorder, Pig Mag (why are you italian so i can't read you!?), Clash, The Face (why did you die?), Sleazenation (RIP), Elle, Vogue
* also major internet freak, cant live without the goddamn thing!
* biggest fear is getting stuck in a rut, hate staying the same & get bored by people who do
* last but definitely not least: i am a typical gemini female and i like it!
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