Whats good, What it is U know it's ya boy B-Easy, Easy Money, Mr. Comma, Elevator Easy, Edgar Allen Poe of the Flow, And the laides can call me The Flirt in the Alligator Shirt which ever u perfer. I'm out here on my grind trying to get signed, simple as that. I'm focused, I'm not doing this for myself. I feel like what I got to say everybody should be able to hear it. That's why I do this, to be heard. This rap shit is much more than rhyming in ya hood for niggas u know, a least for me it is. There is a message behind it. If you ain't rapping about something what u rapping for. I just want the world to hear me cause I feel like what I am saying is important and true. A lot of people rap about a lot of bull shit, things they ain't never do, witness or experience. I keep it 110%. I'm on my way to the top, and moving quickly. The game waits for no man. I'm definitly a player, and I'm playing to win."I've learned that the only way to win is to make ya opponent quit. STATEN BE THE BOROUGH SHARPE BE THE HUSTLE, MOVE WIT THE MOVEMENT OR GET MOVED .. PLAYING WITH THAT MONEY AND GO GET IT BOY."Hit Me On AIM (easymoney241)-B-Easy-
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