I'm Allie.
Formerly known as Alliesaurus Rex, I thought it was awesome, and apparantly it was so awesome that you copied it.
I'm 5' tall, or should I say short. I wish I was taller.
I have blond hair, naturally a brunette.
I have hazel eyes, they match my hair.
I have three adorable dogs, they're better than yours.
I dream of becoming a doctor.
I couldn't dream of going anywhere other than Ottawa after high school.
I get embarrased very easily, and am way too shy.
I should probably care less about stuff.
I could also care more about other stuff.
I'd say I'm pretty smart, when I try.
Okay, so I actually can seem pretty dumb.
I can be crazy sometimes, its pretty fun.
I'll admit, I care what you think about me.
I could try to just ignore you, but it really doesn't work that way with me.
I have some troubles with myself, although I've been told I look fine.
I can't help but hate my huge arms and legs, even if you say they're tiny.
But don't think I'd do anything stupid to change how I look.
I don't think I could ever go anorexic or bulemic, thanks but I'd rather not turn yellow and have heart failure.
Oh and don't forget how crappy your bone density gets.
I sometimes hold mad grudges, they're pretty stupid.
I can be pretty damn moody too.
I also can't stand akward situations...uhhh, I guess nobody really can?
I drink sometimes, but will never do drugs.
I work at McDonald's, it kinda sucks, but hey, its money.
I also enjoy working with the people there, well that doesn't include the incompetant ones.
I don't think I could live without make-up, or clothes.
I can be kinda shallow.
It can make me feel bad though.
I'm a christian, I try to go to church every Sunday, but I really find that I have kinda my own religon.
I can get some pretty random, stupid crushes sometimes.
I've never found love, and I don't think I will anytime soon. I can wait.
I love my friends, they're all pretty damn awesome.
I like to listen to music, and sometimes I'll dance, terribly that is.
My birthday is June 29, same as Grandpas. ♥
I hate not being able to get around on my own.
My parents are pretty annoying when it comes to going out.
Sooo yeah. You should add me.
Msn: [email protected]