allie-son. profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I'm Allie.
Formerly known as Alliesaurus Rex, I thought it was awesome, and apparantly it was so awesome that you copied it.
I'm 5' tall, or should I say short. I wish I was taller.
I have blond hair, naturally a brunette.
I have hazel eyes, they match my hair.
I have three adorable dogs, they're better than yours.
I dream of becoming a doctor.
I couldn't dream of going anywhere other than Ottawa after high school.
I get embarrased very easily, and am way too shy.
I should probably care less about stuff.
I could also care more about other stuff.
I'd say I'm pretty smart, when I try.
Okay, so I actually can seem pretty dumb.
I can be crazy sometimes, its pretty fun.
I'll admit, I care what you think about me.
I could try to just ignore you, but it really doesn't work that way with me.
I have some troubles with myself, although I've been told I look fine.
I can't help but hate my huge arms and legs, even if you say they're tiny.
But don't think I'd do anything stupid to change how I look.
I don't think I could ever go anorexic or bulemic, thanks but I'd rather not turn yellow and have heart failure.
Oh and don't forget how crappy your bone density gets.
I sometimes hold mad grudges, they're pretty stupid.
I can be pretty damn moody too.
I also can't stand akward situations...uhhh, I guess nobody really can?
I drink sometimes, but will never do drugs.
I work at McDonald's, it kinda sucks, but hey, its money.
I also enjoy working with the people there, well that doesn't include the incompetant ones.
I don't think I could live without make-up, or clothes.
I can be kinda shallow.
It can make me feel bad though.
I'm a christian, I try to go to church every Sunday, but I really find that I have kinda my own religon.
I can get some pretty random, stupid crushes sometimes.
I've never found love, and I don't think I will anytime soon. I can wait.
I love my friends, they're all pretty damn awesome.
I like to listen to music, and sometimes I'll dance, terribly that is.
My birthday is June 29, same as Grandpas. ♥
I hate not being able to get around on my own.
My parents are pretty annoying when it comes to going out.
Sooo yeah. You should add me.
Msn: [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



Sooo, I could name of a million different bands, but I'm sure I'd be missing some. So I'm just gonna say, listen to my profile songs, they're pretty much what I like to listen to.


Selling Innocence
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
A Bug's Life
28 Days


Greys Anatomy
The Office
The OC


Go Ask Alice
Harry Potter


Batman and Robin

My Blog

Random crappy poem

So kiss the stars goodnight cuz the moon has gone to sleep. The night is closing in on us, today we just can't keep. This darkness falls. Our biggest fear calls. Yesterday made the biggest mess. Tomor...
Posted by allie-son. on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 03:00:00 PST