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Cute guys messege me on.. Metalliboy76 img src="http://hometown.aol.com/mrjmtchr/myhomepage/parrot%20pi c.jpg"
Currently listening to...HORSE the BANDThe ShinsHOT HOT HEATSaves the DayThe Good LifeTaking Back SundayBoysNightOutThriceDeath From Above 1979Blood in Blood outimg src="http://i.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/020315/124020__and rew_l.jpg" alt= height="230" width="230"img src="http://www.nastylittleman.com/Clients/coheedcambria/ima ges/concaphoto00.jpg" alt= height="416" width="339.2"img src="http://n2.umicache.com/p/purevolume.com/profile/-211-11 23031057-He_is_Legend_%5B1%5D.JPG" alt= height="416" width="339.2"img src="http://www.americanroyalarts.com/library/joe_petruccio/ jp_originals/jp_jimmy_buffet1.jpg" alt= height="416" width="339.2"
I Heart Huckabees, Anchorman, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Fight Club, Shaun of the Dead, Lost in Translation, Being John Malkovich, Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I, II, and III, Ace Ventura, Ghostbusters, The Matrix Trilogy, LoTR Trilogy, Bill and Ted, Star Wars Saga, This is Spinal Tap, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Tarantino Flicks, Kevin Smith Flicks, Starky and Hutch, Surf Ninjas, any movie with Sean Connery or Christopher Walkin, Pirates of the Carribean and many more tasteful flicks.
The Discovery Channel, Mythbusters, Adult Swim, Tom goes to the Mayor, The History Channel, Animal Planet, National Geograhic, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report.
Harry Potter, LoTR, Angels and Demons, The Truth (with jokes), Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, Nothing Sacred, Beowulf, The Divine Comedy, and uh gaming maginzines
The Great Ron Rico-AKA Captain Ron, John Stewart, Master Cheif, Cloud Strife, Dave Grohl, Jamyz Hetfeild, Sean Connery, Andrew W.K., Bill Murray, Will Ferrell