me. hmmm. i live for powder and quiet days in the trees; that hot feelin' your skin has after a day boardin' or gettin' outta the truckee on a warm summer day.
originally from washington state, grew up in olympia, then high school in anchorage-ak and college in tempe-az ... some time in New Mexico, and ultimately Nevada.
The self-image is like a mirage; it promises us nourishment, but when a problem arises that demands the strength of a clear and self-confident mind, the self-image has nothing to offer; it fails to sustain us when we most need support. Because the self-image is based on how we wish we were, on what we fear we are, or how we would like the world to see us, it prevents us from seeing ourselves clearly. We fail to recognize both our true strengths and many of our faults.
Tarthang Tulku, Skillful Means
i really just enjoy being me... what makes my world move: my daughter, snowboarding, live music, small or large melted and/or frozen bodies of water, forests and mountains, super sour gummy worms, riding my bicycle, playing pool, hanging with friends, road trips, concerts, old places, photography and video and bein' where i'm not supposed to be. check out my videos and blogs...
ask me no silly questions and i will tell you no silly lies. but if you never ask, i'll never tell...
Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.
--P.J. O’Rourke