~!There is no betta so Ja n Kin is stuck 2 getha~! profile picture

~!There is no betta so Ja n Kin is stuck 2 getha~!

i got all dis luv nside of me n all i wana do is gve it 2 him n i dnt care wat dah ladys say bout it

About Me

Wutt it do myspace ♥ Well well my name is Jauteria But MosT NiCCas dAt Know ME caLL me Ja-ja!!!! I was BorN No were Else But V.A. ♥ Im EAsy too GET alOng With I don't bite MA tonGue FoRE NoBdy!!! ♥ My nummBa one Thing TOO Doo IS Play BasKEtball Thats Ja-ja All Doay Yall ♥ I always got HAtas on my jock cause They staAy TrynA toP my SWAgga But i'LL neVa be Top Cu MY Style TOO mean.... YOH E whEr DOO i Begin Diz my Cuzn My Sista My BEstFreind MY .....Yoh Diz My NICCa Emonie ♥ We benn Down 4 sincE Asl loNG As I cAn rememBa ♥ She GT my BaCk N i gT hErs 2 Da fullest!!!! ♥ DON'T FUCK WIT US WE GETS IT POPPin NiCCas!! D.C.D.C.D.C.D.C. dIZ My cuZN LaDEcia weTeLL EacH OtheR Er thing ♥ So Basically If U TaLK About hEr U tLKin Bout Me N If U tLkin Bout ME u TlkIn BouT Her ♥ Diz My NICCa til The EnD so Hatas Fall BaCK!!! ♥ LAst but not least my cuzn/sis Sanarya or precious wich eva yall call her but thats my nigga we also tell each otha er thing!!!!!!!!!!!So don't f wit her etha yah diggg.... Datz All U need 2 knoW BouT yah Gurl Ja-ja So hatas BE easy CU IMa Always Be that # 1 JaBreezy!!! ♥ Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Click here to make Falling Objects Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla Certified Balla
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My Interests

Alot of stuff
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Jauteria
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: BRown n Black
Height: 5'2
Shoe Size: 4,5
Ring Size: small
Heritage: Black
Graduating Year: ....
Birthdate: January 17
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Best Friend: Emonie Rosado
Crush: can't remember
Pet: cat
Sport: Basketball all day baby
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: hell no
Bungee Jumped: Hell no
Gone out of the Country: Duh
Beaten Someone Up: LOTs boi im tellin u
Gotten Beat Up: WAt dis look like hell no
Killed an Animal: yes [tear]
Swam in the Ocean: Naw im good
Broke the Law: YEs
Smoked: NOope
Chewed Tobacco: NOpe
Drank: YEp
Been Kissed: UM huh
Been In Love: Rite now
Dumped Someone: HUMMM
Been Dumped: IDK
Broken Someone's heart: I think
Had Your Heart Broken: yep
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: naw
Broken A Bone: yep
Had Surgery: yep
Had an X-ray or MRI: yep
Failed a Class: nope
Color: GREEN
Food: IDk
Drink: powerade
Snack: cookies
Cereal: dont know
Ice Cream: Strawberry
Candy: Skittles
Restaurant: Ruby Tuesday
Fast Food Place: Sonic
Store: Wal*mart
Animal: Cat
Quote: Scared of who scared of u bitch boo
Sport To Play: Basketball
Sport To Watch: Basketball
Movie: Love n baskeball, ATL
TV Show: Lots
Type Of Music: Rap
Band: Wat the fucc
Singer: Akon,Tpain
Pepsi or Coke: Neither
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocalate
Cake or Ice Cream: both
McDonalds or Burger King: McDOnalds
Love or Money: Love
Music or TV: Music
Cat or Dog: Cat
Mom or Dad: MOM
Truck or Car: Car
Ocean or Lake: Lake
Yahoo or Hotmail: Yahoo
Google or AJ: GOogle
Light or Dark: Dark
Country or City: Country
Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Shoes
Personality or Looks: looks
Hair Color: BLAck
Eye Color: Brown
Short or Tall: etha one
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: sense of humor
Hook up or Relationship: damn u choosey survey
Feeling: good
Listening To: shoot out
Wanna: be wit him
Doing Besides Typing: on the phone
Thinking About: Nikin
Wearing: Wife beata n b-ball shorts
In Love: yepp
Single: nope
Best Friends: EMONIE Rosado
...::The Future::...
Career: BAsketball player
Marriage: still thinkin
Kids: 1
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I'd like to meet:



rap r&b much more


ATL ♥ LOVE n BAsketball!!!


B.E.T. ♥ I love NEw York ♥ Thats SO RaVen ♥ M.T.V. ♥ eTC.




GoD My MoM N Dad!!!!!!ShouTz OUtZ Too!!!EMONie,LADecia Nikin,Sanarya,Nequa Jasmine,Evigan NESSa,Kayla SimoNE,Sakea Khaidira,Crystal TT,Esha Dave,Dashawn Uniqua,Amber Ta-Ta,Jenni Meghan,Dakota Kaitlyn,Zanna Angelo,Devin Ashley,Nella Cayla,Dayondra Deztiny,MIkeBRead Vic,PoppaMUCH MO!!!