Riding my motorcycle Watching movies, certian TV shows, football, World of Warcraft, finding a new job, whatever else happens along my path
Korn- Coming Undone
Korn's MySpace Page
Aerosmith, Kid Rock, Seether, blah blah, yea there's more here too, but I'm lazy
Star Wars, Matrix, Resident Evil 1&2, Batman Returns, Ultraviolet, Anything Pixar, Van Wilder, Superman Returns, Lord of the Rings, ....more to come
Alias, Farscape, Dark Angel, Family Guy, War at Home, Ghost Whisperer, American Dad, Futurama, How I Met Your Mother, Smallville
Harry Potter series, Eragon books, Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, Brother Odd, Lord of the Rings (I'll get them read one day, I swear.
Pffft, never had any