Jacqueline Hof aka Lady Jack-a-Line was born at 17th of April 1982 in the north of Holland.
At the age of 19 she experienced her first technoparty and immediately fell in love with the acid and techno sound. After a few years of partying she got interested in spinning records behind the decks herself.
The sets of Lady Jack-a-Line are containing tracks from global heroes like: Robert Armani, Woody McBride / DJ ESP, Damon Wild, Hardfloor, Acid Junkies, 2 Junxion, Sorgenkint, Dave Clarke, Steve Stoll, Roland Casper, Paul Birken and many others. A couple of her favorite labels are: Missile, Acid Tracks, Synewave, Bush and Djax-up Beats.
The styles she plays are Acid, Acidtechno and Chicago Techno with Oldschool influences.
At the end of 2006 she started co-producing own tracks with her producer buddy Malfunction aka The Futurist, who is busy with studio productions for quite some years now.
Their tracks are already played by 2 Junxion at well known party’s like Acid Wars in Germany.
In the future they will produce more tracks but you will hear also solo tracks from Lady Jack-a-Line.