||||||||||||||||WWW.TRIMARCHIDG.COM.AR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||Friday 29th September to Sunday 1st October
Estadio Polideportivo, Mar del Plata ARGENTINA|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 days
5 years in a row
15 conferences
4000 designers
Workshops, parties, art expositions
Products and merch shopping
Round tables, design overdose
In 2002, with the support of Ruben Fontana, the first TRImarchiDG took place in a
small theater. Quickly, the 400 seats available sold out and a bigger place was
needed (as well as a wider range of conferences). That didn’t happen until next
year. 2005 was Ronald Shakespear’s turn to support the event which hasn’t
stopped to grow ever since: much better conferences, much more people and a whole
lot more of activities including workshops, nights screenings, round tables,
afternight parties, etc…
Up to 4000 designers from worldwide are enjoying the TMDG every year now, becoming
this the biggest Design Meeting in Latin America and one of the most crowded in the
world. That is the reason why, in 2005, TRImarchi was invited by some of the most
prestigious universities and institutes in Europe to talk about how this
fast-growing experience was being made possible every year, with a clear and
outstanding eager quality searching. Those invitations to Milan, London,
Berlin, Berna, Zurich, Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona and more European cities soon
expanded to many TM South American conferences.
Both Seba (Acampante) and Pablo (Pacheco), organizers of this event, are amazed with
the annual outcome of each TMDG since the very beginning and are constantly looking
for new ways to promote and improve the schedule’s diversity every year.
A Day at TMDG
In the morning
Throughout the morning you can attend several workshops that will long during the
rest of the day and take place in different alternate places to the Main Conference.
During those workshops you will get to live a much more up n’ close experience
with your favorite members of the congress with practise activities, results and
answers in real time. For a much more personal approach to the professionals you can
also choose the roundtable option which consists of usually 30 to 60 people
(according to the speaker’s wills) asking more specific questions directly to the
person you want to answer those. (see workshops and roundtables section)
In the afternoon
The main conferences take place during the afternoon. They come right after the
showcase of works done by selected students. This conferences are all-access and are
performed in the Main Stadium, with a 100 feet giant screen and an arena size audio
system in order to reach every person present.
Some of the speakers that performed at TMDG already are: Ruben Fontana, In Jaus,
Rock Instrument Bureau, Lorenzo Shakespear, Miguel de Lorenzi, Sidicom, Zalma
Jalluf, Doma, Diego Giaconne, Stefan Sagmeister, Olga Neva, Alejandro Ortiz Lima,
Lobo, Guillermo Gonzalez Ruiz, Punga, Ronald Shakespear, Luis Siquot, el23, RDYA,
Enrique Longinotti, Flavio Maminni, Rocambole, Cristian Aldana, Alejandro Ros,
amongst others…
These conferences are usually 1 to 2 hours long, from 1pm to 9pm with different
pauses in between so you can walk around the place: a circular promenade packed with
art expositions, design related stands and chill-out areas.
On top of all this, every year we give 15 minutes every day to a project
presentation related to design that we humbly consider interesting.
In the night
Every night you can catch up an audiovisual screening with benevolent purposes in a
theater room of choice, always being the ticket’s price a non-perishing food.
Later on the night we all come together and meet at BNT (Buenas Noches Trimarchi),
the already acclaimed parties we throw every year. BNT consists of audiovisual
groundbreaking performances taking care of the projections as well as neverending
onstage presentations of experimental musical acts including djs or full bands
4000 attendees from 20 different countries meet at these parties and conferences,
making TMDG a unique event and an obvious meeting point for design in all its
fields. This turns out to work as a creative trigger for participant designers, we
keep on hearing wonderful stories about it every year.|||||||||||||||||||||En 1954 Seymour Chwast y Milton Glaser fundaban Push Pin Inc. , cambiando la
historia del diseño desde Nueva York, sus posters, ilustraciones, marcas y
campañas revolucionaron la manera de ver al diseño para muchos...
A su vez en Inglaterra Pentagram abria sus puertas, de la misma manera que
abria la cabeza de todos los diseñadores que nos vimos afectados por sus
La historia del diseño se sigue escribiendo, año 2006, Mar del Plata,
Argentina, el quinto encuentro internacional de diseño grafico TRImarchiDG
toma lugar, 1 estadio, 3 dias, 5 años cosecutivos, 15 conferencias, mas de
4000 diseñadores en cada conferencia, y por primera vez en Latinoamerica,
Pentagram y Push Pin juntos, viernes 29 de Septiembre 2006.
El fenomeno del diseño grafico TMDG sigue en pie, convocando nuevamente a
todas las personas que quieran participar a que sean parte de este gigante;
este año con convenios desde todas las prinicipales capitales de
Latinoamerica para contingentes y vuelos, asi como packs promocionales de
hoteleria y restaurants, los costos siguen siendo accesibles y muchos
factores a ajustar, fueron ajustados.
TRImarchiDG 06 apadrinado por DOMA y bajo la mentoria de Ronald Shakespear,
tiene el honor de estar conformado por destacados profesionales como el
afichista mexicano, Benito Cabañas con una retrospectiva de la grafica
latinoamericana y el futbol; el estudio de motion graphics, Medialuna; la
presencia de R3nder ampliando el mundo del multimedia,H3L descentralizando
el diseño de las capitales, el character design de DGPH, el multipremiado
tipografo Alejandro Paul, Paula Scher por el lado de Pentagram y el mitico
Seymour Chwast en representacion de Push Pin Inc.
Entre otros invitados especiales a confirmar.
Recientemente declarado por IDN Hong Kong, como el evento relativo al diseño grafico con mas convocatoria en el mundo en una edicion especial para sus 381.000 suscriptos, TMDG promete una de sus ediciones mas cosmopolitas hasta la fecha.
Ademas de las renombradas fiestas audiovisuales, talleres, mesas redondas, y
actividades paralelas...
TRImarchiDG vuelve con una edicion historica, 29 de Septiembre 2006, quinto
año consecutivo, TMDG, Mar del Plata.chequear :
[email protected]