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credit NAME:Katie 'mines a double' James
SIGN:Taurus drummer/retarded interlect/sega girl/English/deftones queen/part-time alcholic/in total love/arsenal supporter/19/the_original_mrs_cool/fake/MCR whore/neurotic/waster/angel/ebay groupie/pro-choice/athiest/student/philosopher/bitch/old school grunger/crazy haired/gingerphile/stupid/dependant/tattoed/pierced/hurt/
i PWN your hyperlinks Halllllo, i am katie.... and i get my 'learn on' at the UEA in Norwich. Im doing a degree in philosophy... please dont ask me to explain what that is, im only just grasping it myself (and its better than work. lol) Music is my whole world im a drummer, and i basically spend every waking hour listening, playing, talking or singing music. its everything to me. so please, if you dont like music, or your one of these people that say 'i like a bit of everything really, i dont mind' dont add me, we actually have nothing in common. Otherwise, i try and make the best of living in a place that resembles las vegas's mutated runt-child. Its okay, we live right by the beach, which is alright unless its cold (we live in england, you do the maths!) i used to live in Milton keynes, which is much like here but with less flashing lights and more knife crime. I worked at Millies Cookies for a year, and now they trigger my gag reflex. im a little bit mental, but not stabby or bag lady mental , so its all good. I like going away places, and i really enjoyed going to Moscow and St.Petersburg in Russia, i saw Lenin! yay!... oh, and mines a double vodka and coke, thanks for asking.
NICKNAMES:deftonesqueen, the_original_mrs_cool, boozehound

My Blog

kerrang tour 2007

well, what a good night. I AM GHOST, the audition, the bronx and biffy clyro. must start by thanking my wonderful sister kelly for getting me and elliot the tickets for Xmas. Me, her, elliot and Ant d...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 01:44:00 PST

Awards 2006

stolen from Ant... i expect you all to steal this from me. lol. (p.s - obviously doesnt include the last however many days are left of this year, still time to impress me on the good ones life. haha)1...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:48:00 PST

just saying hello i guess...

hello loyal blog fans... aka noone Just dropping in, updating on my always boring life.Im in the process of chaning from straight philosophy to philosophy and politics, hopefully will be accepted...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 03:36:00 PST

Rancid - UEA, Norwich 18th November 2006

helllooo,well, yet another im bored and been to a gig blog.thought id tell you about Rancid last night.well, it was cool basically :) the best bit was Kat and Darren coming up/down from milton keynes ...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:24:00 PST

My chemical romance... Brixton, 12th November 2006

wellllll, hello my dear blog....well. not sure where to start. yesterday was awesome. went to see My chemical romance at Brixton. Now i know ive not always been nice about MCR, and i have passed judge...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:58:00 PST


hahahaha, last night was well funny.well, yesterday in general was cool. i managed to finish my politics essay and i got a spur of the moment tattoo. its the deftones star on my ankle, to celebrate t...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 07:56:00 PST

hit and run

im pretty creeped out.i was on my way to the post office and i saw a hit and run. the bloke was on a big harley davidson style bike and this car just hit him and pissed off. i was one of the first ove...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:44:00 PST

the best day of my whole fucking life!!!!

well, i dont really know where to start really. yesterday started off as a total peice of shit. My beloved dog died, my new phone wouldnt work, i missed the bus for uni and my first lecture...oh and o...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 12:57:00 PST

My life, updated.

well, not that much to say really.im in my third week of luniversity. met some really really awesome people, the most awesome of whom being sam, stabby tom and pirate tom. They soooo need to get myspa...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 03:26:00 PST

you tube awesome ness

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdZyfK9Y0Rs&NRABSOLUTE CLASSIC!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5eiAa3VAsMfucking funny :) 'oh FOOOOOOOOKING HELL jess! you dosy bastarding cat!'http://www.youtube.c...
Posted by iwaskillingbeforekillingwascool on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:30:00 PST