rick profile picture


sometimes it happens too fast, you trade your passion for glory

About Me

country boy. with a proper mexi-pole upbringing. i grew up in in northern ohio on a farm. spent a few years in college part time. then spent some time on active duty as an MP at ft bragg and then baghdad. that was my fav job although i wouldn't recommend it to any one. also part of the reason i have not finished school yet. But i have just recently returned to school. i have a dog (napoleon c. magnet) chicks love him. at least one of us is loved. I used to be into competitive shooting, trying to get back into it. i was really good at that. And i have always loved weight lifting. I also love eating so I am kind of a big fat bald strong kid. i am a very political person and if you have a point of view contrary to mine that's ok. But if you feel the need to start downing my views which are rather to the right, not only will i let you know why you are wrong. i will more than likely educate you as to why you are so wrong using facts and sound judgment and not emotion or or some bs morality espousing virtues you don't really have. Put shortly talking politics with me is only for the strong of heart and strong of mind. President Theodore Roosevelt once said, " the credit in life belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood. It belongs to the man who strives valiantly; who knows great enthusiasms, great devotions, and spends himself daring greatly in a worthy cause so he will know the triumph of high achievement; and whose place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat

My Interests

Finally back in school and back into the National Guard as an MP. My friends hate this and think I will be gone for more years on end. But so all of you know, my going any where is not so likely for some time. As far as other interests . I also like weightlifting and working out, drinking , partying, watching the news, training my dog to do new things, burning hippies, cuddling and long walks

I'd like to meet:

My friends are great. they are amazing and put shortly each one is a treasure. rest assured some know what i am supposed to put here. likely there would be some mention of unicorns and good girls bad girls and girls that intimidate me. versus the ones i could never take seriously despite their best most sincere efforts. my mom says i need to spend more time in libraries meeting librarians. my sisters have their own theories. travel layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com


any song that uses "skeet" multiple times or in rapid succession will make me cringe. otherwise weezer and the cars, a lot of different punk music. some times niel diamond or some other random band or type of music are favs. but mostly i will be in the mood for most rock and country.


some times a little nerdy. i was in the army. i have a huge funny bone *thats funny* and i have a softer side. but really any good movie really. I also have a certain affinity for zombie movies and war movies. but really you could get m to watch just about any movie but I WILL NOT EVER WATCH ANY MOVIE BY THAT PRICK MICHAEL MOORE OR ANY OTHER MOVIE OF THAT SORT.


family guy, american dad, simpsons, futurama, 24, house, the unit, as you can see i watch the greatest shows on tv. anything suspenseful or fun and quotable.


lots of spy novels. books about islamic extremists and about politics. Military oriented persons should check out appealforcourage.com


no one in particular. i think because i expect a lot out of every one i keep close to me.

My Blog

world trade center/ the final inspection

I just watched the movie WORLD TRADE CENTER. I had avoided watching it for many reasons. But now for some reason I had found myself watching it. The movie is great. While watching it I could not hel...
Posted by rick on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:48:00 PST