~yA dynAsty aInt cOmpLeTe wiThouT a Chick Lik mE~ profile picture

~yA dynAsty aInt cOmpLeTe wiThouT a Chick Lik mE~

**u MuSt dOnT kNo BoUt mE**

About Me

well lets just say im one of a kind i mean im not perfect but who is??i think im the shit and i aint had a problem at gettin what i want but if you dont like me who cares someone else out there is willing to give it a chance i have long hair!!!~its really is mines~!!! i have dark brown eyes and im brown skin!!~everybody cant b a red bone~!! i have long legs.im slim in the waist and phat in the a$$.i can be the coolest chick you know or sometimes i can be a real diva!! its your call.but overall im a sweet girl if i wasnt made to be Me then no one else is!!!!but i aint got time to be writin all dis stuff so you just gon have to get at me sometime!!!!!!!!!

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My Interests

Shopping,talkin on the phone,chillin with my folks,chillin wit the one and only ~ThRowBacK~ clique i love u girls!!!!!!and just acting crazy and doin me
What is your Name? JaSmInE
What do others call you? MiSsY
What is your race? aFriCaN AmeRicAn
What do you like in you mate? PeRsOnAlIty,BodY,FaCe
Who are you best friends? ~ThRowBacK~
What kind of car do you drive? wHiTe Car
What is your favorite drink? aLiZe
If you had a million dollars what would you buy? a HouSe
What type of girl or guy you like? oUtgoIng,Laid Back,KrAzii-kOoL
What is your favorite sexual position? 4 me 2 kno& u 2 find out
What is your favorite intimate moment? y iT waSnT wIt u!!!
What is your major career goal? ??thinkin??
How many kids do you have? NonE
Who are you looking to date? He Knows...or do he??
Who is your favorite actor or actress? Lisa Ray,Nia Long
Who is your favorite male and female athelete? D.wade
Who is your favorite model? TyRa BanKs
What is your favorite food? aNything xcept SeaFood and Foreign foods
Kiss on the 1st night or 2nd and 3rd? wheneva the time is right
Prefer 18-19 20-25 or 26-and older? 17-21


I'd like to meet:

I LoVe tO mEeT mY baBy Ti,Lil BOoSiE,Lil WaYne,YouNg Jeezy, my niggas BoNe ThuGs N HaRmoNy,and many morea


i love ne thang i can dance to and can keep me Crunk and and when im with that special someone i love listening to ne thing that can set the mood!!!!!!


The one and only:Love and Basketball i also love horror films,love films,funny films you can say just about ne thing
About Me...
Name: JasMine
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'7
Heritage: aFriCan AmEriCan
Parents still together: yeaH
Siblings: older brother,a twin brother,and 6 sister
Favorite cousins name: ~ThRowBacK~
Who do you look like most: alL of dEm
How many aunts/uncles do you have: a Lot of em
Best: ~ThRowBAcK~
Known Longest: KJ
Lives Closest: KJ
Knows you best: aShLeY
Best hair: TiFFanY
Who do you see the most: KJ
Stupidest: TeOnNa
Tallest: mE
How many boyfriends have you had: UMMMM 3
Which was your favorite: JOSHUA...RIP BABII
Age of first boyfriend: 14
Age of first time a guy asked you out: 12
What kind of guys do you go for: PrEtTy BoYs or ThuGs
First Heartbreak: 9th grade
Name all guys you've like this year in order: DeLaNce
Do your parents approve of you dating: yEaH
Any celeb crushes: My baBy *TI*,Lil Wayne,o so SexIi NelLy
Best physical feature: Face,LipS,Body
Best hair color: BlaCK
Best eye color: Light Brown or Brown
Best clothing: White T's,girbauds,ForCes,Jays,JersEys
Where do you shop: MalL or whateva that sells cute stuff
What do you usually wear: shorts,skirts,tank tops,halters tshirts
What kind of shoes do you wear: forces,flip flops or stilletos
Color you never wear: purple
Color you always wear: brown,gold,pink,green,orange,blue,green,yellow
Something you wear everyday: Panties
Make up essential: lip Gloss
Most cherished piece of clothing: My dress i wore to my GRanny's Funeral
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: Stupid sHit
Least favorite store: ummm
How many pairs of shoes do you have: a lot
Color: pink,orange,green
Number: 7
Ice cream: cookies n cream
Band: Danity Kane
Cartoon: Dora the Explorer
Singer: AaLiyah
Rapper: TI,Lil Boosie,Jeezy
Song: Live in the Sky
Movie: Friday
Boys name: GaBriel,JaMel, Joshua
Girls name: Nichel,JaMariyah,Danielle
Candy: TwisTlers
Childhood: Growin up n the Dishin
First best friend: Ericka
Still best friends?: ~THROwBAck~
First pet: Teddy....RIP
What did you want to be when you grew up: DoCtOr, LawYEr
First big trip: aLl the ChurcH trIps was BIG
How did you meet your best friend: JROTC
First major injury: never had one
Best memory: **SPRING BREAK 05**
Most embarrassing memory: Too Many to name
Get in any trouble?: hECK YEAH
Favorite stuffed animal: mS. rABbIT
Stupidest thing you did: ask is a XXL the same as a 2XL
Person you hugged: My mOm
Person you kissed: DeLanCe
Person you talked on the phone with: **IceMan**
Person who IMed you: aShLey
Person you met: nobody
Person who told you they love you: DeLance
Person you said i love you to: DeLance
Song you sang: !!!*SwEeT ThanG*!!!
Person you laughed at: MysElf
Movie you watched: Friday
Person who text messaged you: i dont have that shit
What are you wearing: Tshirt and my panties on
What does your computer look like: a damn computer
Do you believe in God: yes
Can you recite the Our Father and Hail Mary: yeah
What job do you wish you had: $a easy job that makes a lot of money$
What countries have you been to: none
How many states have you been to: i dunno
Do you swear: sometimes even though im not suppose too
What do you want to be when you grow up: anywhere in the medical field
Do you work: yeah
Have your license: yeah
Shampoo you use: Cream of nAture
How big is your bed: queen
How many pillows do you sleep with: i have 2 but i sleep on none
Things you cant live without: shit everything
Do you own an MP3 player: yeah
Do you own a designer purse: yeah
Two words to describe your life right now: BleSSed and GreaT
Do you pray?: yeah
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people.: Food,Mp3 player,
Best time of your life so far: ~Senya Year~
Who do you miss most: My Grannys,GRandDads,Uncle Roy,Trouble,My BabY "JosH",My bRoTher "Jr"and all the love ones that gone but not 4 gotten
Do you have an accent: yeah..country and sometimes proper
Whats your GPA: 3.8 or 9
Do you prank call people: yeah
Favorite gum: trident the watermelon kind
Can you speak a different language: i took spanish
Can you make a card pyramid: no
What do most people not like about you: **My SEXiiNess**
Have you ever ran away: yeah but i came home at like 10:00 or 11:00...shit i had to eat
Perfume you wear: anything that smells good but i love VanIllA sPray
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that ~Throwback~ cuz when we step up in a place everybody wanna know who we is!!!!!!!


i love to read them books that you cant put down!!!!!!!!


My Grandad and Cousins R.I.P and My DaD i Love U GuyS