Hottest Yung Street expresser in "CAPCITY" VA; Fashion Model; Business, Business, .... (All Wrk & then play...Paper 1st!)
I like 'em real....All my real niggas (none of that wanna B)... U keep it real wit' me expect me 2 return the fava'. If u KNO 4 A FACT u can handle yours... You GOOD!... Other than that.. Keep spotting cuz' this ain't 4 u
Reggaeton; Hip-hop; R&B; ETC... (Dnt set my mind on 2 much of 1 type)
Will & Grace; Strong Medicine; CARTOONS (gotta have my Saturday mornings!).. width="425" height="350" ..
CAPCity... Queen of Queens... Don't Get it Twisted... Triple Threat... Crip Keeper...(... Just about every book I wrote i n my life; just 2 name a few of my personal favorites!) ...YES, I'm gifted!
My Brother... Thanks 4 teaching me how to read the INS & OUTS of a adverage nigga... U always played REAL wit' me and just 4 that... I NEVER walk with my eyes CLOSE...My Dad.. 4 makin' sure I knew "THE SKY REALLY IS THE LIMIT!"...