Haverford State Hospital profile picture

Haverford State Hospital

About Me

IMPORTANT: Refer to the FAQ blog before messaging me with questions. Built in 1964, Haverford State was a relativly new institution, as most institutions where built around the turn of the century. It was often refered to as the Haverford Hilton, as it had private rooms and a bowling alley. During the 60's and 70's the hospital was reported to have used electroconvulsive therapy (AKA electroshock). Heavy restraints and drugs where also used, but as was the general practice of that time but are now considered abuse. In the 90's, a common consensus was that community-based treatment was the better option for mental health patients, and thus asylums across the country where closing. Haverford State was one of these hospitals, and in June 1998 the hospital closed. Since it's closure it has fell victim to local teens who used the place to party and to take out teen angst against the building through vandalism. In 2002, Haverford Township bought the property from the state for 3.5 million. A development plan was recently agreed upon which involves age-based housing, recreation fields, and a teen rec. center. Demolition is slated for late 2006 or early 2007. I'm looking for submissions of any stories you have about Haverford State, as well as pictures if you have them. You will recieve credit, although i suggest using a nickname to avoid legalities of trespassing and such. All submissions will be greatly appreciated to build the site! BE ADVISED: I am not responsible if A) you get caught up there, it is private property and you WILL be fined with trespassing B) you get hurt. There is lots of broken glass, asbestos, and whatever else you'd expect to find in an abandoned building.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone as long as they don't vandalize the hospital or arrest me. Site run by:

My Blog

Aidon Altenor on Reducing The Use of Restraints

From the Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania, entitled "Testimony on Seclusion and Restraints" (Source)"Aidan Altenor initiated the effort to end seclusion and restraints when he wa...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 20:21:00 GMT

The Admissions Process for Juvenile Patients

From a Former director of Haverford State, stated during a 1979 supreme court case over the admission of juvenile patients and wether or not the process is unconstitutional. "There is an initial exam...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 20:50:00 GMT


1. Building 5/4, Hilltop (Acute Intensive Care)No visible Change2. Building 3/3, Administration DemolishedBeforeAfter3. Building 14/20, Recreation/LibraryDemolishedBefore:After:4. Building 15/18, Atwa...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 21:04:00 GMT

The beginning of the end...

Abatement has begun. Multiple trailers are on site and they have already begun abating building 15 (Atwater Center, occupational therapy). Still no word however on what companies got the contracts for...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 20:25:00 GMT

Property of Haverford State Hospital (Building 4)

Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:07:00 GMT


Whats the deal with security? Cops frequently patrol the roads around the hospital, and sometimes people driving down those roads will call police if they see suspicious people around. Cops also somet...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 19:04:00 GMT

"Finally, hospital site offers relief "

Finally, hospital site offers relief   A development dispute roiled Haverford for years until new leadership approved a less lucrative but more open plan.   By Jeff Price Inquirer Staff W...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:46:00 GMT


#1 - Pumping StationAbandoned long before the rest of the hospital. One underground level, mostly pumping equipment i assume, although its risky to get into (close to the police cruiser at the front g...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:06:00 GMT

Article: "The Closing Of Haverford State: A Special Report"

(from http://www.lcmedia.com/mind0024.htm)THE CLOSING OF HAVERFORD STATE: A SPECIAL REPORT Broadcast starting week of June 21, 2000 ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:48:00 GMT