Erica,playing backgammon,poker,video games, and organizing random papers. and ridiculing small children with deformed fingernails...eww
Dan Marino, paul okenfold (hes british and he makes techno music),tom cruise just cuz idk who doesnt. the entire cast of laguna beach, not really tho. ludacris, dr. dre and president bush just to tell him that he's somwhat of an "evil person".And somtimes i want to meet the local news anchor(lee ranson) and ask him if he feels important. and i hate when ur arm pits itch from sweating.
rock, rap, alternative.
blow, lord of war,running scared, old school and alot of other ones im not gonna mention. it takes too long
espn all day, colbert report, daily show, cash cab, history channel, discovery, and that 70's show
the catcher in the rye. and i spy books.........and of course, playboys This profile was made at! :)
frankturkington. elija wood. james gandolphini,le femm nakita,and jeremy london