running amuck. . .climbing on things. . .jumping off of things. . . jumping from one thing to hang off another thing. . .playing dress-up. . . and working 16 hr days. . .ack!
hanging off the door frame for a half an hour. . .still in a suit. . . after I've dumped the contents of my briefcase all over the floor two steps into the front door. . . simple joys
longboard on a large swell. . .grey skys and green water. . .sharks and lightning. . .yes, quite
making messes with sumi ink, flat blackness is divine
practical application
Jun'batz and Q'ukumatz
an occasional real live person on the lam from the zoo
sociopaths and egomaniacle figments of cyberspace need not apply
i like banjos
**I mostly get lost to the music in my head, and no it's not a circus calliope, ok sometimes it is. . .**
lots of classical music. . .like any mad character you've seen in the movies, everyone knows only evil geniuses listen to Vivaldi. . . mhuhuhhahaha
anything I can get my hands on
Horror Movies, Anything Luc Besson, David Lynch, or Tim Burton. . .
Deliverence for the kid with the banjo
Any number of the old and scratchy ones with cigarette burns, no talkin', and Chopin for the soundtrack
just the way I like 'em
Richard Hell is my boyfriend. . .wanna fight about it
I like 19th Century Horror Stories, and Dante, I've read Beowulf and Gardner's Grendle more times than I can count; now who sounds like the nerd
my obscenely large collection of reference books. . .which can be found escaped from the overloaded book case and strewn about in the oddest places at any given time
Anne Bonney
female praying mantis