(chrisbrn) lil bow wow
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Really Is that you
Whats your name?: Raven
Age?: 15
Sex?: female
Height?: 5'6
Weight?: 113
Hair color?: dark brown
Eye color?: blk
Race?: blk
Religion?: Christian
Lable?: pretty
Sexuality?: ........
Do you have a boyfrined?: yes
Girlfriend: no
Both?: no
Virgin?: yes
If not where was the first place?: .........
Married?: no
Children?: no
Want children?: no
Favorite type?: rap
Favorite band?: ......
In a band?: no
Favorite record lable?: so so def
Favorite record?: 2pac
Been to a concert?: yes
Favorite concert?: scream tour 4
Want to go to one?: yes
Favorite movie?: winnie the pooh
Worsted movie: nora's hair salon
Favorite actor?: bow wow
Favorite actress?: queen latifah
Ever been in a movie?: yes
Favorite animal?: dog
Favorite drink?: sprite
Do you drink?: no
Do you smoke?: no
What about drugs?: no
Peircings?: ears
Tattoes?: no
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