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I'm not intersted on meeting famous people.. they will never remeber me lol....Like all the girls I wanna meet my soul mate... which is really hard to find.. but hey Im a dreamer and I hope one day it comes true.. I dont wanna be someones toy GUYS we have feelings as well as you do but we tend to show them more lol... I also wanna keep on meeting new friends dont really matter what sex you are!!!!!! I'M AN OPEN MINDED LIL GIRL
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Music is where my whole world is i love music that is my to express myself
The Fast and the furious, Cars, the notebook, beautiful mind, minority report,the notebook, the family stone,Goal, Shrek, Imagine me and you
Angels and Demonds, A orillas del Rio pieda me sente y llore,Many lives Many Masters... mm can't think right now
God, and those who make their dreams come true